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Inform is a product in the NexJ Nudge-AI suite. It matches news articles from 15,000 public news feeds and firm-specific research to a client or potential client, based on their news interests. Use Inform to help strengthen relationships with your clients through personalized emails containing articles matching their interests. Articles display in contact and company profiles as a feed. For any article listed, click the View More button to view the article in a browser. You can select which articles to share with a client from the feed. In addition, you can filter the feed by interest, date, and country of origin.

Aside from interests selected for the client, you can automatically display articles related to the contact name or company name for the client.

Share this content via email to help strengthen relationships with your clients by providing value-added interactions and identifying new opportunities for sales and service.

Two types of feeds are supported:

  • Curated feeds allow users to select client interests from a globally defined list of available interests.
  • Non-curated feeds allow users to define any word or short phrase as an interest that can be added to a client's profile.

The feed source for your deployment can be changed by your administrator. For more information, see Managing Inform feeds.

The appearance and behavior of Inform might vary slightly depending on the feed choice.

Use the Inform tab on the Contacts workspace

to view and share articles. In the Inform tab, you can:

  • Add and remove interests
  • Select interests to adjust the article list
  • View and filter the article list
  • Share articles with the contact or company

If your administrator has enabled this option, you can also use the Inform tab to choose whether to show articles related to the client's contact name or company name. 

The Inform tab can display up to 20 articles at a time. To view more articles, click the Load More button at the bottom of the article list.

The Inform tab does not display duplicate articles. When there are duplicate articles, you may see some blank spaces in the article list.

Insights is another product in the NexJ Nudge-AI Suite, which is used to enhance the client experience and increase advisor productivity by automatically discovering and logging client interests from notes. If it is enabled, other topics are automatically included in the list of client interests, based on notes added by advisors to the client's profile.

Managing interests

You can manage client interests on the Inform tab. Depending on how Inform is configured in your deployment, you can either add new words and short phrases related to your client's interests, or select interests from a predefined interest list. The Inform engine uses these as keywords to generate the article list. You can then filter the article list by selecting one or more of the saved interests. At any time, you can remove an interest that was previously added to the client's profile.

Depending on how Inform was configured, you can also the Inform tab to enable or disable displaying articles related to the contact name or company name for the client.

Some interests may have been added automatically, based on notes on the client's profile. This functionality is supported if Insights has been enabled in your deployment. These interests can be managed, selected, or deleted, just like the manually added interests.

Adding interests

You can add interests in the Inform tab. Later, you can use these interests and any other previously added interests to generate the article list. The process for adding interests varies depending on the news feed used.

To add an interest if your deployment uses a non-curated news feed:

  • Click the Manage Interests button
     to open the Manage Interests dialog, and click Add
    . Enter a word or short phrase for the Interest Value (for example, "retirement" or "environment"). The interest is added to the list of interests for the client. 

To add an interest if your deployment uses a curated news feed:

  • Click the Manage Interests button
    to open the Manage Interests dialog. The dialog displays all interests that are already in the system. Find and select the required interest from the list of available interests. Interests that have already been added for the client display as selected in the dialog.

Articles related to the new interests are immediately displayed in the article list.

Deleting interests

The process for removing interests varies depending on the news feed used.

To remove an interest if your deployment uses a non-curated news feed:

  • Click the Manage Interests button
    to open the Manage Interests dialog. H
    over over the interest you no longer require and click the Delete button
    Delete button

To remove an interest if your deployment uses a curated news feed:

  • Click the Manage Interests button
    to open the Manage Interests dialog. Find and deselect the required interest in the list of available interests.

Managing profile details

In addition to interests added or selected for the client, Inform can display articles related to the client's profile details. If this feature is enabled for your deployment, you can choose to display the following information:

  • For contacts, you can display articles related to the contact name and the company name.
  • For companies, you can display articles related to the company name.

If the feature is enabled for you, you can see the Profile Details filter chip on the Inform tab by default.

  • For contacts, you can click the filter chip and select whether you want to see articles related to just the contact name or just the company name. By default, both are displayed.
  • For companies, if the filter chip is visible, articles related to the company are always displayed.

To hide the Profile Details filter chip and all articles related to profile details, click the Settings button

and select Hide profile details. To display the filter chip and the relevant articles after they have been hidden, click the Settings button and select Show profile details

Sharing articles with contacts or companies

In the Inform tab, you can share articles with contacts or companies by email.

To share articles with clients, select the article you want to share and click Email. Your default email client is launched with the following information pre-populated:

  • To - contains the email address of the contact or company
  • Subject - (for example, Henry Collins has shared an article with you)
  • Email body - contains a link to the article, title, and description

After you send an email, an email icon

displays on the selected article's card. If you hover over the icon, you will see a message stating that the article has already been sent to this client.

Your external email provider is used to send the article, which means that Inform cannot accurately detect whether the article was actually sent or  received. For example, if you open the email dialog but then choose not to send the email to the selected client, Inform will still track this article as having been shared with the client.

If you select an article that has been previously emailed to a client, and click Email, you will see a message asking if you want to send the article again.

Filtering articles

You can filter the article list in the Inform tab by selecting one or more of the following filter chips:

  • Country
  • Interest
  • Publication Date

The Country filter chip is not displayed by default. You must click Filter options

, select Add filter fields, and then select Country.

This filter chip is only available if your deployment uses the Grapevine6 feed.

Content in the article list is curated based on the filter criteria. For clients with multiple saved interests, you can generate a targeted article list by filtering the feed to include only articles associated with specific interests. To do this, click the Interest filter, and select or clear checkboxes as needed. With each filter selection, the list of articles is re-generated. If there are no Interest selections, the generated results appear as if selecting all interests.

To clear your selection for an individual filter chip, click the clear button 

Clear filter chip
on the filter chip.

To reset the currently selected filter to its default search criteria and remove all filter chips that do not display by default, click Filter optionsReset filters.

To hide filter chips, click Filter options > Hide filter fields.

If you select an interest filter chip to filter articles for a client, and this filter chip does not retrieve any articles, and then you navigate to the Inform tab for a different client who does not have this interest, you will still see the same interest filter chip, and you will need to clear your selection for the interest filter chip.


The following video example shows a user filtering for articles that were published on April 1, 2020 or later, using "retirement" as an interest, and using Canada as the country of origin.

Using operators for the Publication Date filter chip

When you select the Publication Date filter chip, you can choose from the following operators:


Search for articles with an exact match for the specified Date field value.

The equals operator searches for the exact date you select.

not equals

Search for articles where the specified value does not match the value for the Date field.

The not equals operator searches for articles that do not match the exact date you select. Search results with a not equals operator do not include articles for which the attribute is not set.

Selecting this operator will always return zero results.
specifiedSearch for articles when the publication date is not easily found.
unspecifiedSearch for articles that do not have a publication date specified.

less than

Search for articles in which the value for the Date field is less than the value you specify in your search.

less than or equal to

Search for articles in which the value for the Date field is less than or equal to the value you specify in your search.
greater thanSearch for articles in which the value for the Date field is greater than the value you specify in your search.
greater than or equal toSearch for articles in which the value for the Date field is greater than or equal to the value you specify in your search.

Search for articles in which the value for the Date field is between the From and To field values that you specify.

The search results include articles with values that match the "from" value, but do not include articles that match the "to" value.

equals todaySearch for articles that were published on today's date, including the year.
in the previous (days)

Search for articles in which the value for the Date field is a date in the past, within the specified number of calendar days.

For example, if you select the in the previous (days) operator and specify two days in the Days field, the search results include articles for yesterday and the day before yesterday.

in the next (days)

Search for articles in which the value for the Date field is a date in the future within the specified number of calendar days.

For example, if you select the in the next (days) operator and specify two days in the Days field, the search results include articles for tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow.

today or beforeSearch for articles that have been published either on today's date or on a date in the past.
today or afterSearch for articles that have either been published on today's date or will be published on a future date.
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