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Configuring opportunity products

You can add and manage opportunity products in the Products tab on the Customize workspace. Products are items or services that your organization sells to your clients.

Users can add products to parent and product opportunities on the Opportunities and Contacts workspaces. For more information about assigning products to opportunities, see Adding opportunities.

Product types are defined in the SPRODTYPE enumeration in NexJ Admin Console.

The Products tab displays product records in a data table. For information about sorting the data table and selecting columns to display in the data table, see Navigating the NexJ CRM user interface.

Adding opportunity products

Before you add products, you can filter the information in the data table in the Products tab in order to show only those products that meet specific criteria. Additionally, you can search for specific products by entering a full or partial name in the text search field. For information about searching, see Searching and filtering in NexJ CRM.

You can add products to existing product types.

To add a product, select the Products tab, click the Add button

, and select a product type. The New Product dialog includes the following information:

Field or checkbox nameDescriptionRequired field
ActiveWhen selected, makes the product available to users. When modifying a product, you can choose to deactivate the product and make it unavailable to users by clearing your selection.Yes
List price

The price that the product sells for.

A user can enter a unit price for the product when they create the product. NexJ CRM compares the list price against the unit price to calculate a percentage discount value for the product. The discount value displays on the Products card in the Detail tab for an opportunity.

TypeThe product type that you want to create a product for.Yes
VisibilityDo one of the following:
  • Select Public to make the product visible to all users in NexJ CRM.
  • Select a user to restrict visibility to only that user.

The product is made available for users on the Opportunities and Contacts workspaces.

Modifying opportunity products

You can edit an opportunity product when you want to make changes to its properties. Select the product record in the data table and click the Edit button


Changes to the opportunity product apply to existing instances of the product. For example, if you edit the list price of an opportunity product, the updated list price is reflected in existing products that have been added to opportunities in NexJ CRM.

Deleting opportunity products

Delete an opportunity product when you want to remove it completely from NexJ CRM. Select the product record in the data table and click the Delete button

. If you want to only temporarily remove an opportunity product so that users can no longer add it to opportunities, consider deactivating the product instead.

You cannot delete an opportunity product that is currently used in an opportunity in NexJ CRM. To delete the product, you must first remove the product from any opportunities that it belongs to.

If you choose to delete a product, the action cannot be undone.

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