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Notifications are messages that alert you to information changes in NexJ CRM that are relevant to you. Notifications only display when rule criteria are met. Based on these rules, you may receive notifications when information is added to a field or changed in a field related to a specific subject area. A subject area is a scope which defines the focus of tasks that you can perform in NexJ CRM. For example, you can use a subject area to limit a search only to contacts, or to apply a notification rule only to schedule items.

You can receive notifications in the Notifications sidebar and by email, depending on how your system is configured. Notifications in the Notifications sidebar can be filtered by subject area, can be turned on and off, and have quick responses that enable you to take various immediate actions directly from a notification.

You can receive internal notifications based on conditions, known as rules, which are defined by your business administrators. The conditions may include:

  • Having a specific role in relation to the field information that has been added or changed. For example, a sales role on a coverage team.
  • Updates to the preferred method of communication for contacts or companies on your coverage team.
  • Being designated as a recipient by the business administrator.
  • Being added to a notification by the user who added or modified information in the field.
  • Being assigned a service request.
  • Being assigned a new task.
  • Changes to client coverage.
  • A new note for a covered client.

In addition to rule based notifications, you can also receive system notifications for batch processes. For example, when a batch process completes, an error occurs during your batch process, or if a batch process fails, you receive a notification. Batch process notifications are not configured by your business administrators.

Viewing notifications

If there are unread notifications in your notifications stream, a number displays on the Notifications button to indicate the number of unread notifications, for example

. To open the Notifications sidebar and view your notifications stream, click the Notifications button 
. To close the Notifications sidebar, click the collapse button

Notifications are sorted by date in the order that they are received, with the most recent notification card displayed at the top of the notification stream. Each notification card has an icon based on its subject area, a title link, a description, and a timestamp. The timestamp indicates the time the notification was received.

To open the record associated with the notification in the corresponding workspace, click the notification title or click anywhere on the card. This automatically marks the notification as read.

Using quick responses

Quick responses enable you to take action directly from a notification without opening the associated record or navigating to the corresponding workspace. To take an action directly from a notification, click the More Actions button 

on a notification, select a quick response, and complete tasks associated with the quick response.

You can select more than one quick response on a single notification card. However, selecting the Mark as Complete quick response on a task notification disables it, preventing you from taking any further action from the notification. If you need to change the status of the task item again, navigate to the Task workspace and edit the task record directly.

Your administrator might enable any of the following quick responses for individual notifications:

  • Add follow-up
  • Add to call list
  • Add note
  • Add call record
  • Mark as complete

Marking notifications as read

If you want to mark a notification as read without opening the full notification record, click the Mark as Read button

beside the timestamp. This changes the color of the notification card and displays the Mark as Unread button 
to indicate the changed status of the notification.

If you have a lot of notifications and want to mark them all as read instead of marking them individually, click the More Actions button 

at the top of the Notifications sidebar and select Mark All Read. Notifications are also marked as read when you use quick responses in a notification.

Filtering notifications

If you have a large amount of notifications, you can choose to filter them by subject area and by read status.

  • To display notifications for a specific subject area, click the Any Subject Area drop-down and select a subject area.
  • To display only unread notifications, select the Show unread notifications only checkbox.

These filters can be combined to refine the results.

To reset the filters for the notifications stream and display all your notifications, select Any Subject Area from the drop-down and clear the Show unread notifications only checkbox.

Depending on the configuration of your system, you may receive notifications when information is added to a field or changed in a field related to the following subject areas:

  • Batch process
  • Call records
  • Companies
  • Contacts
  • Documents
  • Email
  • Households
  • Parent opportunities
  • Product opportunities
  • Schedule items
  • Service requests
  • Tasks

Refreshing notifications

You can refresh the list of notifications at any time by clicking the Refresh button 

. Refreshing the Notification sidebar also clears the filters.

Deleting notifications

Notifications stay in the notification stream until you delete them.

To delete an individual notification, click the More Actions button on a notification and select Delete.

To delete all the notifications visible in your notification stream, click the More Actions button at the top of the Notifications sidebar and select Delete All Notifications. If you have filtered the notification stream, then selecting Delete All Notifications will only delete the currently displayed notifications in the stream. Notifications hidden by the filter will remain unaffected.

Turning notifications off and on

Even though your administrator configures the notification rules, you can control what you are notified about by turning off specific types of notifications so you will no longer receive them. To turn off a specific type of notification, click the More Actions button on a notification of that type and select Turn Off. To turn a notification back on, click the More Actions button and select Turn On.

The Turn Off option is disabled for mandatory notifications.

If you want to review and manage all the notifications that you have turned off, click the User Settings button 

in the toolbar and select User Preferences. In the Preferences dialog that opens, in the Notifications tab, you can turn off additional notifications by subject area, or turn notifications back on by selecting the Turn On checkbox for the notification.

Viewing email notifications

Email notifications are also configured with rules set by your business administrators. A business administrator can configure an email notification to contain a link to the object record for which the notification was generated. You can click the link in the email notification to open the record.

To turn off email notifications for a specific rule, click the Unsubscribe link in an email notification that is generated by that rule. You can see the notifications that you have unsubscribed from and subscribe to them again in your User Settings.

The Unsubscribe link is not available in mandatory notifications.

Using tokens - Use tokens in notification messages.

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