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NexJ CRM provides regionalization functionality, enabling you to display the application in the format and language specific to your region. Regionalization features include language localization, date, time, address, telephone number formatting, and currency conversion.

You can change some of these settings, from the User settings menu in the NexJ CRM toolbar, select User Preferences and open the Localization tab. Some of the following settings can be updated:

  • Format to use for displaying date and time.
  • Default currency.
  • Default country to use for addresses and telephone number formatting.

Supported languages

For the 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, and 9.5 releases, only the English language is supported. The language shown in the NexJ CRM client also matches with how the system is configured at design time. For example, if the system is configured with English - Canada then the browser setting should be locked to English - Canada.

English is supported by default. 

In addition to the default English support, language localization is based on your browser settings. To change the language for the display text to any other language, select the required language in your browser. Text in elements such as tabs and fields are then translated into the selected language.

The selected language displays only if translations are available. If a translation is not available, the language defaults to English.

Date and time formatting

Examples of formats that will be used in NexJ CRM are shown in the Date Format and Time Format fields in the Localization tab, in the User Preferences dialog.

By default, only the English locale is supported. Alternately, if this functionality is enabled during NexJ CRM deployment, you can select between English (Canada) and English (United States). The short date format for English (Canada) is date/month/year. The short date format for English (United States) is month/date/year.

Other locales can be supported depending on the customizations to your deployment of NexJ CRM.

The locale you select in the Language field determines three date formats: long, medium, and short. For example, the long, medium, and short representations for December 31, 2015 in the French locale are:

  • 31 décembre 2015
  • 31 déc. 2015
  • 15-12-31

If the ability to choose either English (Canada) or English (United States) is enabled, selecting one over the other affects how short dates are displayed. The short date format for English (Canada) is date/month/year. The short date format for English (United States) is month/date/year.

The language you select also determines the time format. For example, the Time Format field displays 3:32 PM for English. If you select French, the time format changes to a 24-hour time format and the field displays 15:32.

Currency formatting and conversion

You can change the currency that is displayed in NexJ CRM by selecting a different currency in the Currency field in the Localization tab. For example, when you select a different currency, the new currency displays in the banners for entities and in the Expected Amount and Actual Amount columns in the Opportunities workspace data table.

For ad hoc Deals reports, the monetary values in fields, visualizations, and exported reports are converted into the currency selected in the Currency field. For more information, see Ad hoc reports.

Address and telephone number formatting

You can configure NexJ CRM to use your country for addresses and telephone numbers. In the Default Country field in the Localization tab, select a country. The default country determines the country that populates in new addresses and the country code and format that applies to new telephone numbers.

For example, if your default country is set to United States of America, when you create a new telephone number for a contact, the +1 country code is set as the telephone number prefix and the number you enter is checked to ensure that it is 10 digits in length. If you need to input a telephone number for a different region or format, you can select the corresponding country or set the country to Unspecified to enter a free-form telephone number.

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