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Viewing opportunity information

You can view and manage opportunities from several workspaces in NexJ CRM. You can also export your opportunity information for analysis using other tools such as spreadsheets.

Viewing opportunity information in workspaces

The various workspaces in NexJ CRM allow you to access your opportunity and product information and see how it relates to your pipeline, and your contacts.

Opportunities workspace

The Opportunities workspace

displays a data table that shows all the sales opportunity records that you have permission to view. To search for and filter opportunity records in the data table, use the predefined filters, filter chips, and the text search field. For more information on search and filter functionality, see Searching and filtering in NexJ CRM.

You can add, edit, delete, and export existing opportunity records on the Opportunities workspace.

Contacts workspace

You can view opportunities associated with a specific contact or company on the Contacts workspace. Select a contact or company, navigate to the detail page for the selected entity, and select the Opportunities tab. Opportunity records associated with the entity are shown in the data table.

If a contact is associated with a company record in NexJ CRM, all the contact's opportunity records are shown in the company's Opportunities tab as well.

You can add, edit, or delete opportunities for a specific entity on the Contacts workspace.

Home workspace

A visualized summary of your opportunities pipeline is available on the Home workspace, in the Summary tab, in the following charts:

  • Product Opportunity Pipeline chart
    Provides a summary of how your product opportunities are progressing through the stages of the sales process. You can use this chart to gauge the overall health of your pipeline by measuring the volume of opportunities that you are managing, and by viewing how your opportunities are moving through the sales process.
  • Pipeline by Product Type chart
    Visualizes the distribution of expected revenue across your product opportunities. Use this chart to track which products are driving the greatest potential revenue, and which products are not selling as well as expected.

Viewing opportunity details

To navigate to the detail page and view detailed information about an opportunity, select a record in an opportunities data table and click on the record description link. The detail page contains a banner at the top with overview information and tabs below the banner that provide access to more detailed information about the opportunity.

You can navigate to the detail page for an opportunity from:

  • The Opportunities workspace.
  • The Contacts workspace, in a contact's or company's Opportunities tab.


At the top of the detail page, the banner provides an overview of the opportunity, including the contact or company it is associated with, the expected amount, and the current stage of the opportunity. To edit any of this information for an opportunity, click the More Actions button 

in the banner and select Edit.

Detail tab

The Detail tab displays information about the opportunity on the following cards:


    • Contains additional entities related to the opportunity.
    • To add an entity, click the Add button
      on the card and select an entity.
    • After you add a related entity, you can edit, email, or remove the related entity directly from the card by expending the entity information and selecting an action.


    • Contains notes for the opportunity. You can create, view, and edit notes on the Notes card.

    • To add a new note on the Notes card, enter text in the Type new note here field and click the Save button


    • To edit just the text of an existing note, click the View/Edit button


    • Edit note details or delete a note from the More Actions menu


    • In addition to the Notes card in the Detail tab, you can also access notes in the data table in the Activities tab.

Notes security

When editing note details from the More Actions menu, you can change the view and edit security for the note in the Security tab of the Edit dialog. By default, both the view and edit security for notes are set to Public. For more information about security settings, see Security settings for objects in NexJ CRM.

Opportunity security settings impact note security in the following ways:

  • When the opportunity view security is set to Private, the opportunity and the associated note are only visible to the user who has view security. As a result, only that user can view or edit the note.
  • Opportunity edit security does not impact note edit security. When the opportunity view security is set to Public and edit security is set to Private, the note is visible to all users and all users can edit or delete the note.
The Security tab is not available when the Hierarchical Access Model is enabled.


Contains a description of the opportunity. You can provide this information when adding a new opportunity to the system or add and edit it on this card later.


Contains products associated with the opportunity.


Contains users or coverage groups working on the opportunity.

Activities tab

The Activities tab contains a data table that displays all schedule item records, task records, documents, and email records related to the opportunity.

  • You can filter the activities in the data table or search for an activity by description.
  • To add a new activity, click the Add button, select the type of activity you want to add, and provide the required information.
  • Hover over a record in the data table and click the Edit button 
    or  Mark as Complete button 
    to perform these actions for the selected activity directly from the data table.
  • Click the More Actions button for an activity to delete the selected activity, add a call record, or email the associated entity about the selected activity.
When viewing a list of activities in a data table, you can see the full notes associated with each activity. The note is displayed as a new row, below the row with all other information about the activity. To include the notes rows in the data table, use the Select columns command in the More Actions menu to select the Note column.

Conversations tab

The Conversations tab displays conversations that are associated with the selected opportunity. Conversations are collections of related messages exchanged between two or more NexJ CRM users. To start a conversation about the opportunity, click the Add button. For more information about sending messages to other users, see Conversations.

Audit Trail tab

NexJ CRM retains a history of actions that users have performed on records in the system. When you complete an action, such as viewing or modifying an opportunity record, the action is logged in the record's audit trail. Users with the appropriate privileges can view the history and details of these actions in a record's Audit Trail tab.

You can filter the data table on the Audit Trail tab to display specific event records.

NexJ provides the following filter chips that you can use to filter the audit trail:

  • Action
    Select an operator and an audit action; for example, Read (view a record) or Create (create a new object).
  • Date
    Select an operator and a date.
  • User
    Select an operator and the required user or users.

To add additional filter chips, click the Filter options button 

and select Add filter fields. For more information, see Filter chips and Using operators.

In the data table, select the action whose details you want to view. Depending on the type of action, additional details might be available. The details for the selected action display in the data table at the bottom of the tab. Each row represents a field that was updated as part of the action. The field's name, old value, and new value are displayed. If a field did not have a value originally, the value in the Old Value column will be blank.

To change which columns display in the data tables, click the Select columns button 


Visualizing your sales pipeline

NexJ CRM visualizes your sales pipeline using charts on the Home workspace. Review the charts to understand how your opportunities are progressing through various stages in their life cycle.

Each chart focuses on a different area of your sales pipeline and visualizes the information in a format that is suited to the subject matter. For example, the Pipeline by Product Type opportunity chart displays your product opportunities as a pie chart segmented by product type. You can use this chart to identify how much of your pipeline each product type occupies.

Total amounts in the charts use the M character to denote millions. For example, 20 million is displayed as 20M and 1 billion (1 thousand million) is displayed as 1000M. The total amount in the charts is also a rounded number. For example, if the amount is less than or equal to 4.4 million then the amount displays as 4M, and if the amount is greater than or equal to 4.5 million, it displays as 5M.

Charts contain colored segments or bands and a legend that indicates what information is displayed. The size of the segments and bands is relative.

You can interact with charts in the following ways:

  • To see a tooltip that provides details about the information represented by a segment or band, hover your cursor over it.
  • To see more items in the chart legend, click the up and down arrows.
  • To toggle between including and excluding the information represented by a segment in a chart, click the legend item for the corresponding segment.

Product Opportunity Pipeline chart

The Product Opportunity Pipeline chart summarizes the progress of your product opportunities through the stages of the sales process. You can use this chart to gauge the overall health of your pipeline by measuring the volume of opportunities that you are managing, and by viewing how your opportunities are moving through the sales process.

Each colored band in the chart represents a stage of the sales process. The size of a band is relative to the sum of the expected revenue from all of your product opportunities currently in that stage.

To see a tooltip containing the name of the stage and the total expected revenue for all of your product opportunities in that stage of the sales process, hover your cursor over a band.

Outcome Expected Amount

Pipeline by Product Type chart

The Pipeline by Product Type chart visualizes the distribution of expected revenue across your product opportunities. You can use this chart to track which products are driving the greatest potential revenue, and which products are not selling as well as expected.

The pie chart segments represent product types. The size of a segment is relative to the total expected revenue for all of your product opportunities of that type.

To see a tooltip containing the name of the product type and the total expected revenue for all product opportunities of that type in your sales pipeline, hover your cursor over a segment.

Outcome Expected Amount

Adding product opportunities to pipeline charts

Opportunities are included in the pipeline charts only if they meet the reporting criteria for each individual chart. You can choose to include an opportunity in the pipeline charts when you are adding it to the system by selecting Pipeline in the Reporting field in the New product opportunity dialog.

To include an existing product opportunity in the pipeline charts, navigate to the detail page for the product opportunity. In the banner, click the More Actions button 

and select Edit. In the Edit dialog, in the Detail tab, in the Reporting field, select Pipeline.

Exporting opportunity information

You can export opportunity information from the Opportunities workspace into a CSV file for analysis outside of NexJ CRM.

To export opportunities, click the Export button 

in the data table toolbar and select Current List or Current Opportunity Only. Then choose from the following export options:

  • To export the information available in the currently displayed columns for opportunities, select Visible Columns. To choose which columns are displayed in the data table before you export the records, click the More Actions button
    in the data table toolbar and select the Select columns option.
  • To export the information in all columns available for opportunities, select All Columns.

You can choose to open the CSV file in Microsoft Excel or save the file.

If you export more than 3000 opportunities, a message informs you when your CSV file is available for download. Click Dismiss to close the message. In the navigation toolbar, select User settings > Files, and download the file.

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