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Configuring print documents

You can add a Microsoft Word, PDF, or CSV document that contains merge fields to your CPM (Customer Process Management) form. This document can be printed or downloaded when the form is completed.

When the form is completed and the user prints the document, the answers in the form populate the merge fields in the documentA merge field is an object that references a specific piece of information, such as a contact's first name. It is used to personalize documents for multiple contacts at once, so that you do not need to create a unique version of the document for each recipient. For example, if you want to send a letter to several contacts that includes their addresses, you can use a merge field to populate the addresses from the form.

Merge fields on Process Management forms are configured to extract information from specific answers entered in the form. They are managed differently from other merge fields used in NexJ CRM because the token name that you give to these merge fields must match the reference name of the corresponding question in the form.

Debugging fields for print

When debugging available fields for print:

((read-instance bp:FlowPrintProxy () `(= (@) ,id) #f)'fields)

id is the oid of the form using the specific Process Management form.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.