If you have the appropriate permissions, you can hide an entity's record in NexJ CRM so it is no longer visible in the user interface by deactivating the entity. If needed, you can reactivate the entity at a later time. Deactivated entities remain in the system and retain all of their associated information, such as documents and relationships.
When you deactivate an entity, it is hidden from any workspace data tables, searches, For fields in selection dialogs, and the About field for conversations. Although deactivated entities are not shown when you search or filter a data table, you can include them by using a filter chip search for entities whose Client State value is Inactive. Deactivated entities are visible in saved lists that include the entity.
To deactivate an entity, you can choose from the following options:
On the Contacts workspace, in the data table, click the More Actions button for the entity record select Set Inactive.
On the detail page, in the entity's banner click the More Actions button and select Set Inactive.
To reactivate an entity:
On the Contacts workspace, click the Filter options button and add the Active filter chip. Use the Active filter chip to filter the data table to display Inactive entities. Select the entity record that you want to reactivate, click the More Actions button and select Set Active.
Saved lists - Create saved lists and add them to your favorites. Add a favorite saved list to the Contacts workspace to display only the entities that are members of the list in the data table.
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