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Service requests

You can manage service request templates and mailboxes from the Service Request Management tab on the Customize workspace. A service request template defines a single type of service request including the icon, the description, and the stages that the request will go through.

A service request is a detailed record of a request or a complaint from a client. Service requests are used to manage and track client issues.

The Service Request Management tab provides subtabs with data tables that show the template records and mailbox records that you have created.

In order to manage service request templates, you need to have been assigned to the Service Request Admin privilege group, which has gServiceRequestAdmin privileges.

Service request templates

Users select service request templates when they create service request records. The templates represent different kinds of service requests and their properties are automatically applied to service requests that are created using the templates.

Before you create service request templates, you can s earch for specific templates by entering a full or partial name in the text search field in the Service Request Templates subtab . Also, you can filter the information in the data table to show only those templates that meet specific criteria. For more information, see Searching and filtering in NexJ CRM.

For information about sorting the data table and selecting columns to display in the data table, see Navigating the NexJ CRM user interface.

Adding service request templates

To add a service request template, select the Service Request Templates subtab, and click the Add button

at the top of the data table.

When adding a template, the New Service Request Template dialog includes the following fields:

TabFields, checkboxes, and tablesDescriptionRequired field

ActiveIf you want the template to be active when it is added then the Active checkbox should remain selected.No
ChannelThe default communication channel for service requests created from this template.No
PriorityThe default priority for service requests created from this template. The priority defines the order in which your organization will resolve a service request.No
SeverityThe default severity for service requests created from this template. The severity defines how severely an issue is impacting your client's business.No
Target Entity TypeThe type of entity that this service request template is for.No
StagesStages table

The stages that you have added in the Edit Service Request Stage Template dialog in a sequential order. The order of stages in the list is the order in which they occur as a service request progresses through its life cycle.

You can choose which table columns display by clicking the Select columns button.

You can perform the following actions:

  • To add stages, click the Add button
  • To edit stages, click the Edit button
  • To delete stages, click the Remove button
  • To changes the order of the stages, move stages up or down from More Actions

You can create additional stages to add in service request templates by adding values to the SSRSTAGE enumeration in the Enumeration page in NexJ Admin Console.

Not applicable

After you have created a template, you can modify it by selecting it in the data table and clicking the Edit button


To deactivate the template when you no longer want users to create service requests based on it, select the template record in the data table and click the Deactivate button


Adding mailboxes for support teams and assigning user groups

Before you add mailboxes, you can search for specific mailboxes by entering a full or partial name in the text search field in the Mailboxes subtab . Also, you can filter the information in the data table to show only those templates that meet specific criteria. For more information, see Searching and filtering in NexJ CRM.

For information about sorting the data table and selecting columns to display in the data table, see Navigating the NexJ CRM user interface.

You can add a mailbox to a user group so that your customers can send emails to the support team represented by the user group. A mailbox represents the email address that is used to receive customer emails. When a customer sends a request or complaint, a service request is created, and is sent to the support team using the assigned mailbox.

To add mailboxes, navigate to the Service Request Management tab and select the Mailboxes tab. Above the data table, click the Add button 

to open the Add Mailbox dialog.

The Add Mailbox dialog contains the following fields:

TabField nameDescriptionRequired field

Encryption Type

The encryption method.

If you select No encryption , the NexJ CRM method for encryption is applied to the mailbox.

Group OwnerThe owner of the user group that represents your support team. The group owner needs to have ServiceRequestManage permissions to manage service requests.Yes
Host URLThe network address for the mail server.Yes
Mailbox AddressThe email address of the mailbox.Yes
PasswordThe password for the mailbox.Yes
User GroupA user group that represents your support team.Yes

Default TemplateTemplate for the service request. For example, select Complaint or Request.Yes
Default Text Setting

Text setting for emails. For example, select Email Body or Blank .

If you select Email Body , the content in the body of the customer's email displays in the email body. If you select Blank , the email body does not display content.

Default Title Setting

Title setting for emails. For example, select Email Subject or Template Name with Service Request Number .

If you select Email Subject , the content in the subject line of the customer's email displays in the email title. If you select Template Name with Service Request Number , the template's name and service request number displays in the email title.

Priority OverridePriority of the email.No
Severity OverrideSeverity of the email.No

Editing mailbox details and service configuration

You can modify mailbox record details in the data table. To edit the details for a selected mailbox, navigate to the Mailboxes tab, select the record you want to modify, and click the Edit button

for the mailbox.

Changing the status of mailboxes

You can activate and deactivate mailboxes in the data table. By default when you create a mailbox, the status is set to active but you can change the status anytime.

To deactivate a selected mailbox in the data table, click the Deactivate Mailbox button

. To activate a selected mailbox, click the Activate Mailbox button

The Status column in the data table indicates whether the mailbox is active or inactive.

Rules for service requests

You can use rules to automate tasks relating to service requests or to send notifications.

For example, you can create a rule action to send a notification to a user when the user is assigned a service request or to remind users of a high priority service request's due date. For more information, see Rules .

Adding blocked email patterns

You can add blocked email patterns that specify which email addresses should be ignored by NexJ CRM. No service requests will be created for blocked emails.

To add a blocked email pattern, navigate to  the Service Request Management tab and select the Restrictions subtab. On the Blocked Email Address Patterns card, click the  Add button

. Enter your pattern using regular expressions and wild card symbols in the Add a blocked email address pattern dialog. For example, you could enter test.*@.*\.ca to ignore all emails that start with test and end with .ca. You could enter * to ignore all emails from

On the card, you can also click the More Actions button 

for a pattern and select Edit to modify it or Delete to remove it.

Setting inbound email attachment restrictions

You can set the maximum size of attachments for inbound emails. By default, NexJ CRM will ignore attachments in inbound emails that exceed 2 MB. Also, unsafe file attachments will not be saved.

Attachments that are not saved are listed in log entry records.

To set the maximum size of attachments for inbound emails, navigate to the Service Request Management tab and select the Restrictions subtab. On the Email Restrictions card, click the More Actions button

, and click the Edit button
. Enter the maximum attachment size.

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