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Turned off notifications

You can view the notifications that users have turned off, and turn selected notifications on again. Manage notifications in the Turned Off Notifications tab on the Customize workspace.

You can search for specific notifications by entering a full or partial name in the text search field or filter the information in the data table in order to show only those notifications that meet specific criteria. For more information about searching for and filtering records, see Searching and filtering in NexJ CRM.

For information about sorting the data table and selecting columns to display in the data table, see Navigating the NexJ CRM user interface.

To turn on notifications listed in the data table, select the checkboxes beside the notifications that you want to turn on. Alternatively, select the Select All checkbox at the top of the list to select all notifications. Click Turn On in the data table toolbar or beside a notification record in the data table. In the Confirm Turn On dialog, click OK. The notifications that you specified are turned on again for users.

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