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Managing addresses

You can add addresses to entities when:

  • You add new entities to the system
  • You manage addresses for existing entities on the Contacts workspace, in the Detail tab, on the Addresses card.

When adding addresses, you can provide address types. An address type represents an address that can be entered for a contact in NexJ CRM. For example, common address types include business, home, or vacation. You can add as many addresses for an entity as needed by clicking the Add button

on the Addresses card and filling in the required information. When you add a new address, it displays at the bottom of the Addresses card.

After you add addresses to an entity, you can:

  • Specify address defaults for quick communication and to fill merge fields. For example, if an entity has multiple addresses, you can set one of the addresses as the default billing address and another as the default shipping. To set address defaults on the Addresses card, click the User Preferences button
    and select address defaults in the Address Defaults dialog. You can set the following address defaults for an entity:
    • Bill-To Address
    • Business Address
    • Home Address
    • Mail-To Address
    • Preferred Address
    • Ship-To Address
  • Set one of the addresses as the entity's preferred address. The preferred address displays on the entity's banner and is identified on the Addresses card by a blue circle. By default, the first added address for an entity is set as the preferred address. 
  • Change the preferred address, by clicking the More Actions button
    for that address and selecting Set Preferred. You can also set a preferred address in the Address Defaults dialog.
  • Clear a preferred address, by clicking the More Actions button and selecting Clear Preferred. If you delete a preferred address for an entity, the preferred setting is cleared and the deleted address is removed from the entity's detail page banner. The preferred address setting remains cleared until you set it again for another address.
  • Open an address in Google Maps using your default browser by clicking the More Actions button for the address and selecting Map.

You can also edit, copy to clipboard, or delete an existing address from the More Actions menu for that address.

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