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Managing documents

To view a document's details and attachments, navigate to the folder that the document is in and double-click it in the data table to open an Edit dialog, from which you can modify more of the document's properties.

Viewing document properties

You can view a document's properties in much the same way that you view the properties of a task or schedule item. The Edit dialog contains the following tabs:

  • Detail
    Review information such as the document's start and due dates, status, and priority.
  • Related
    Review any information about what other items this document is associated with (such as opportunities, products, or service requests).
  • Security
    Review the view and edit security for this document.

The Security tab is not available when the Hierarchical Access Model is enabled.

Adding and modifying documents 

You can add new documents to the Document Manager workspace so that you and/or other users can access them later.

To add documents to the Document Manager, click the Add button 

, select Document, and select the type of document you want to add. In the Add a Document Manager Item dialog, specify the required properties in the corresponding fields and tabs of the dialog.

If want to create a note, you can use the toolbar at the top of the Notes field to format the text as rich text with styles such as bolding, italics, bullet points, and hyperlinks. You can also copy and paste formatted text into the field. You can click the Image button

in the toolbar and upload images from your computer. The images cannot exceed 2MB in size. The images must be in JPG, JPEG, or PNG format. To specify additional image settings, navigate to the Advanced tab. For example, you can specify the size of an image and its alignment.

You can view and access your added document from the Document Manager folder that you saved it in.

You can edit an existing document's properties in the Document Manager workspace. To edit a document's properties, double-click the required document in the data table and make the required changes in the Edit dialog.

Specifying view and edit security for documents

You can apply view and edit security to any document you add.

To restrict viewing and editing of a document to a group of users or to yourself when adding a new document, navigate to the Security tab in the Add a Document Manager Item dialog and select the appropriate view and edit security options.

You cannot modify view security and edit security settings for a document after it has been created. If you want to restrict view and edit access to a document, you must set it when you add the document.

The Security tab is not available when the Hierarchical Access Model is enabled.

For more information about applying security, see Security settings for objects in NexJ CRM.

Document attachments

Attachments in the Document Manager workspace are files that are created outside of NexJ CRM . They add information or images to the document, can be populated with merge fields to allow customization, and can be saved in the workspace so that other users can access them.

An attachment is any computer file, such as a Microsoft Word document, that is attached to an activity, campaign, batch email, or document in NexJ CRM .

To open a document's attachment, from the Detail tab, click the file name of the attachment to open it. Depending on your browser, a confirmation dialog may open. Make the appropriate selection to open the attachment.

The attachment opens in the appropriate program, and you are able to view it.

Adding attachments

You can add new attachments to existing documents in the Document Manager workspace from your computer.

To add a new attachment, in the Edit dialog, click the Select button

in the Add Attachment field, and select and upload your desired attachment.

Deleting attachments

You can delete existing attachments from any document in the Document Manager workspace.

To delete an attachment, in the Edit dialog, click the 

button beside the name of the attachment in the Add Attachment field.

Associating documents with entities

The Create for Contact button

allows you to associate a copy of a document with a specific entity so that you can modify that particular instance of the document without changing the master version in the Document Manager.

To associate a copy of a document with an entity, select the required document in the data table, click the Create for Contact button, and select the required entity.

In the Contacts workspace, in the Summary tab, verify that the document has been created for your selected entity in the Activities summary card.

A copy of the document is created in the selected entity's Activities tab with all the merge fields from the document's attachments personalized for the entity. The For field of the new document has the selected entity as its value.

Moving documents

You can change the folder in which a document is located.

To move a document, in the Edit dialog, add a new folder to the Folder field to replace the old folder.

Batch printing and batch emailing documents

Before you can batch print and batch email documents, your administrator must have been granted you with the mda:DocMgrBatchPrintEnabled and mda:DocMgrBatchEmailEnabled privileges.

To batch print a document, select the document record in the Document Manager, click the More Actions button

and select the Print Document menu option.

To send a batch email, select the document record in the Document Manager, click the More Actions button

and select the Email menu option.

To batch print or batch email for multiple entities, click Select

in the For field in the New Print Job dialog, or in the To field in the New batch email dialog, and select the checkboxes for the required entities.

For information about completing the New Print Job and New batch email dialogs, see Batch operations.

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