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Using tokens

You can use tokens in merge fields to personalize documents and batch emails so that you do not need to create unique versions of each for individual recipient. You can also use tokens in notification messages.

Using tokens in batch emails

Personalize your batch emails by inserting merge fields. Merge fields are shown as tokens in emails. For example, the ${firstName} merge field personalizes the email with the recipients' first names. 

To insert a merge field into the body of the email, click Insert Merge Fields and select a merge field from the list.

Using tokens in notification messages

You can use tokens to include values from updated fields in notification messages. You can include tokens in notification stream messages and in the body of an email notification. You can also use a token to create a link in an email notification message to the object record for which the notification was generated. After a user has opened the message, the user can click on the link to open the record in NexJ CRM.

You can use tokens in notifications for the following subject areas:

  • Call records
  • Companies
  • Contacts
  • Households
  • Parent and product opportunities
  • Schedule items and tasks
  • Service requests

If you specify an invalid token in a notification, then the token will not be included or processed when the notification is sent

If the field related to the token is blank, then no value displays for the token in notifications. The following formatting rules apply to notifications:

  • Dates and times display in medium format, followed by the time zone, for example, ${startTimeFormatWithTimeZone} could resolve to Jan 28, 2016 1:00 PM (EST).
  • A semicolon (;) separates multiple values that are returned by tokens, for example, ${entityParticipantContacts} could resolve to Bruce Tucker; Carol Welsh; Henry Collins.

Tokens for call records

The following table lists and describes the tokens that you can use to include values from call records.

${entityFullNames}Contacts or companies associated with a call record
${priorityStr}Priority of a call record
${startTimeFormatWithTimeZone}Contact date for a call record
${status}Status of a call record
${template}Name of template associated with a call record
${text}Notes for a call record
${title}Description of a call record

The following table lists and describes the tokens that you can use to include links to call record objects in your email notification messages.

${url,this,title}Title of a call record shows as the link

Tokens for companies

The following table lists and describes the tokens that you can use to include values from companies.

${billToAddress fullName}Bill-To address for a company
${businessAddress fullName}Default business address for a company
${company lastName}Name of a parent company
${defaultAddress fullName}Preferred address for a company
${defaultAddress name}Preferred address for a company
${defaultTelcomAddress}Preferred communication method for a company
${defaultTelcom fullAddress}Preferred communication method for a company
${email formattedAddress}Primary email address for a company
${entityStatus caption}Status of a company
${faxPhone fullAddress}Default fax number for a company
${lastName}Name of company
${mailToAddress fullName}Mail-To address for a company
${notes}Bio field text for a company
${shipToAddress fullName}Ship-To address for a company
${tier}Tier assigned to a company
${workPhone fullAddress}Default business phone number for a company

The following table lists and describes the tokens that you can use to include links to company record objects in your email notification messages.

${url,this,fullName}Full name of a company shows as the link

Tokens for contacts

The following table lists and desribes the tokens that you can use to include values from contacts.

${affix}A name suffix for the contact that provides additional information about a contact; for example, their educational degree, such as PhD
${birthdaySummaryString}Date of birth for a contact
${businessAddress fullName}Default business address for a contact
${businessAddress name}Business address for the contact
${companyName}Name of the company where the contact works
${dear}Preferred name for salutations
${defaultAddress fullName}Preferred address for a contact
${defaultAddress name}Preferred address for the contact
${defaultLang}Preferred language for the contact
${defaultTelcomAddress}Preferred communication method for the contact
${defaultTelcom fullAddress}Preferred communication method for a contact
${departmentName}Department that a contact belongs to
${email fullAddress}Primary email address for a contact
${entityStatus}Status of a contact
${firstName}First name of the contact
${fullName}First and last name of a contact
${genderCode}Gender of the contact
${goesBy}Preferred name of the contact
${homeAddress fullName}Default home address of a contact
${homeAddress name}Home address for the contact
${homePhone fullAddress}Default home phone number for a contact
${initials}Initials of the contact
${lastName}Last name of the contact
${mailToAddress name}Mailing address of the contact
${notes}Bio field text for the contact record
${position}Position or job title for a contact
${serviceLevel}Service level for the contact
${shipToAddress name}Shipping address for the contact
${ssn}Social Security number or Social Insurance Number for the contact
${tier}Property assigned to the contact that determines the kind of service plan they will receive
${title}Title of the contact
${workPhone fullAddress}Default business phone number for a contact

The following table lists and describes the tokens that you can use to include links to contact record objects in your email notification messages.

${url,company,fullName}Full name of a company shows as the link
${url,this,firstName}First name of a contact shows as the link
${url,this,fullName}Full name of a contact shows as the link
${url,this,lastName}Last name of a contact shows as the link

Tokens for documents

The following table lists and describes the tokens that you can use to include values from documents.

${date}Creation date for a document
${entityFullNames}Contacts, or companies associated with a document
${endTimeFormatWithTimeZone}Time when a document was created
${priorityStr}Priority defined for a document
${status}Status of a document
${template}Name of template used for a document
${text}Notes assigned to a document
${title}Description of document

The following table lists and describes the tokens that you can use to include links to documents in you email notification messages.

${url,this,title}Title of a document shows as the link

Tokens for households

The following table lists and describes the tokens that you can use to include values from households.

${billToAddress fullName}Bill-To address for a household
${businessAddress fullName}Default business address for a household
${defaultAddress fullName}Preferred address for a household
${defaultTelcom fullAddress}Preferred communication method for a household
${email formattedAddress}Primary email address for a household
${entityStatus}Status for a household
${faxPhone fullAddress}Default fax number for a household
${lastName}Name of a household
${mailToAddress fullName}Mail-To address for a household
${shipToAddress fullName}Ship-To address for a household
${tier}Tier type for a household
${workPhone fullAddress}Default business phone number for a household

The following table lists and describes the tokens that you can use to include links to households in your email notification messages.

${url,this,fullName}Full name of a household shows as the link

Tokens for opportunities

The following table lists and describes the tokens that you can use to include values from opportunities and progressed opportunities.

${outcome}Outcome of an opportunity
${primaryEntity firstName}The first name of the primary entity belonging to a business process
${primaryEntity lastName}The last name of the primary entity belonging to a business process
${reason}Reason for an outcome of an opportunity
${stage}Stage of an opportunity
${title}Title of an opportunity
${typestring}Type of parent or product opportunity

The following table lists and describes the tokens that you can use to include links to opportunities in your email notification messages.

${url,primaryEntity,fullName}Full name of the opportunity's associated contact shows as the link
${url,this,title}Title of an opportunity shows as the link

Tokens for schedule items and tasks

The following table lists and describes the tokens that you can use to include values from schedule items and tasks

${assignToCaption}Users assigned to a schedule item or task
${callRecord title}Description of a call record
${entityFullNames} Participants associated with a schedule item
${entityParticipantCompanies}External company contacts assigned to a schedule item or task
${entityParticipantContacts}External contacts assigned to a schedule item or task
${endTimeFormatWithTimeZone}End date and time for a schedule item, or the due date for a task
${priorityStr}Priority for a schedule item or task
${sectorIndustriesCaption}Sectors or industries associated with a schedule item or task
${startTimeFormatWithTimeZone}Start date and time for a schedule item, or the start date for a task
${status}Status of a schedule item or task
${summaryHeading}Description of schedule item or task. The template name if a description is not provided.
${template}Name of the template used for a schedule item or task
${text}Notes added to a schedule item or task
${tickersCaption}Tickers associated with a schedule item or task
${title}Description of a schedule item or task.

The following table lists and describes the tokens that you can use to include links to schedule items or tasks in your email notification messages.

${url,this,title}Title of a schedule item or task shows as the link

Tokens for service requests

The following table lists and describes the tokens that you can use to include values from service requests.

${assessmentValue}Current assessment of a service request
${assignToCaption}Users assigned to a service request
${channel}Communication channel used for a service request
${closeComment}Resolution notes for a service request
${closeTimeFormatWithTimeZone}Date and time when a service request is closed
${dueTimeFormatWithTimeZone}Date and time when a service request must be closed based on service level agreement rules
${externalIdentifier}External ID associated with a service request
${firstResponseDueTimeFormatWithTimeZone}Date and time when the first response must be sent based on service level agreement rules
${firstResponseTimeFormatWithTimeZone}Date and time when the first response is sent for a service request
${openTimeFormatWithTimeZone}Date and time when a service request is opened
${primaryEntity fullName}Primary entity associated with a service request
${priority}Priority of a service request
${requestIdentifier}ID associated with a service request
${severity}Severity of a service request
${stageValue}Current stage of a service request
${template}Name of the template used for a service request
${text}Notes associated with a service request
${title}Description for a service request

The following table lists and describes the tokens that you can use to include links to service requests in your email notification messages.

${url,this,title}Title of a service request shows as the link

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