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Common Configuration Patterns

The goal of this document is to develop patterns of application configuration to meet client-specific business requirements. The high-level goals of any configuration is that it is:

  • Run-time configurable, if possible
  • Safe
  • Secure
  • How it is done is clear, well-documented, and works across releases
  • Upgradable and maintainable
  • If deploy-time, deployments should be as independent as possible and not require downtime - shouldn't touch CRM

For each item, we should provide:

  • some documentation on what it is and how it works
  • some support for estimating the effort required for this type of configuration with small/medium/large definitions if required
  • measure of maintainability
  • ...

Potential Strategies:

  • finance should be mixed in and not customized - not used as "base"
  • Does the portal server need to be mixed in to finance or can finance be all remote too
  • Implement FDC3 for certain types of loosely coupled integrations




Entity badges


Theme configuration

Custom Fields

Configuring custom Fields and custom field groups

Activity Management




  • Keycloak

Publishing APIs.

  • Model Services

Model Services - REST

  • Model Services with API objects

Model Services Versioning

  • NexJS Server APIs (NodeJS prototype)

Consuming APIs

UX Integration

  • Standard Portlet extensions (UX Augments)
  • Custom NexJ Portlets (with supporting Business Model objects)
  • Remote Portlets
  • Technologies

  • Reporting Dashboard Portlets

Event Integration

  • Web Hooks?

Data Integration

  • Streaming outbound

  • Streaming inbound
  • Data Loading (import toolkit)

Business Model Integrations

  • Adding new primitive fields

  • Adding new objects
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