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Creating SOA connections

A SOA connection specifies a connection to a SOA service. SOA services are contract-based web services that expose attributes of specific classes in the NexJ Finance model. SOA services guarantee the behavior of the contract between releases. SOA services are available over HTTP(s) using SOAP or JSON-RPC.

When you create a SOA connection, you typically specify the following settings:

The authentication mode for connecting to the service, either basic or perimeter.

The binding for connecting to the service.

Executes the local implementation of the service in a new invocation context. Context requires basic authentication and a user to log in the invocation context, but does not use address or password.

The password to log in to the services, if the authentication mode requires a password.

The user to log in to the service, if using an authentication mode that requires a user name.

For more information on further SOA connection settings, refer to the NexJ Enterprise Framework Model Reference Version section in the NexJ Studio help.

To create an SOA connection in NexJ Studio:

  1. In the Deployment layer, open the environment to which you want to add an SOA connection. The file opens in the editor window.
    The file opens in the editor window.
  2. In the editor window, click the SOA Connections tab.
  3. In the SOA Connections area, click the Select button
    The Select SOA Connections dialog opens.
  4. In the left-hand column, select the SOA connection you would like to create, then click Add.
    The selected SOA connection is added to the right-hand column.
  5. Click OK.
    The Select SOA Connections dialog closes.
  6. In the SOA Connections area, select the SOA connection to configure.
  7. In the Binding field, enter context.
  8. In the Authentication drop down, select basic or perimeter.
  9. In the User field, enter the service user ID.
  10. In the Password field, enter the password for the specified user ID.
  11. Fill in any other desired fields for the channel.
  12. Click the Save button 
    in the toolbar to save the changes to the connection.


These changes are reflected in the environment file XML as follows:

<Environment ...> 
      <SOAConnection auth="basic" binding="context" service="nexj:soa:Audit:1.0" user="nexjsa"/>

For a list of required SOA connections and sample configurations for NexJ CRM, see SOA connection settings.

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