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Configuring batch communications

The Mail Merge Configuration page in NexJ Admin Console allows you to create batch communication configurations that cannot be altered in NexJ CRM. The configurations are defined based on user type, and contain BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) email addresses and disclaimer or disclosure text. You can only create one configuration for each user type.

BCC email addresses receive a copy of every recipient's personalized version of any batch email that is sent by the specified user type. You can set one or more BCC email addresses, depending on how many copies of the batch emails you would like to have. In NexJ CRM, these addresses are not visible and cannot be altered.

Disclaimer or disclosure text can include privacy information, waivers, restrictions, regulations, or any other information that you want to include in batch emails. The specified text will appear at the end of the body of the email, and does not affect the content of the email or its attachments.

Adding new batch communication configurations

You can add new batch communication configurations containing BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) addresses and disclaimer or disclosure text for each user type.

To add a new batch communication configuration:

  1. Navigate to the Mail Merge Configuration page.
  2. In the Mail Merge Configuration list, click the Add button 
    The Add User Template Email dialog opens.
  3. In the User Type field, select a user type.
  4. In the BCC Email field, enter the email address that you want a copy of all batch emails for your selected user type to be sent to.

    If desired, you can enter multiple BCC email addresses. To enter multiple addresses, insert a semi-colon and a space between each address in the form of: <exampleaddress>@<example>.com; <exampleaddress2>@<example>.com

  5. In the Disclaimer Text field, enter the disclaimer or disclosure content that you want appended to all batch emails for the selected user type.
  6. In the Notes field, enter some information about this configuration. For example, you can enter the user type that this configuration has been created for and indicate who manages the BCC email address.
  7. Click OKThe Add User Template Email dialog closes.

Your new batch communication configuration is added. All batch emails sent by a user of the selected type will have a copy sent to the BCC addresses and will have the specified disclosure text appended to the end of the email.

Editing batch communication configurations

You can edit existing batch communication configurations.

To edit an existing batch communication configuration:

  1. Navigate to the Mail Merge Configuration page.
  2. In the Mail Merge Configuration list, select the configuration that you want to edit.
  3. In the Detail area, click the Edit button 
    The Edit User Template Email dialog opens.
  4. Make your desired changes in the corresponding fields.
  5. Click OKThe Edit User Template Email dialog closes.

Your selected batch communication configuration is edited as specified.

Deleting batch communication configurations

You can delete any existing batch communication configuration that you no longer want to use.

To delete an existing batch communication configuration:

  1. Navigate to the Mail Merge Configuration page.
  2. In the Mail Merge Configuration list, click the Action button 
     for the configuration that you want to delete, and click the Delete button 
    The Delete confirmation dialog opens.
  3. Click DeleteThe Delete confirmation dialog closes.

The selected batch communication configuration is deleted.

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