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Configuring saved lists

saved list is a static list that users can create to contain entity data records that can but do not have to share a common property. Users access saved lists when filtering the contact list, assigning activities to contacts, sending batch emails, and batch printing in NexJ CRM.

You can create saved lists and specify the name that appears for users in NexJ CRM.

Adding saved lists

Add a new list to allow users in NexJ CRM to associate or search for profiles that are related to the list.

To add a new saved list:

  1. Navigate to the Entity Codes page.
  2. In the Lists tab, right-click in the lists list, and select Add ListThe Add List dialog opens.
  3. The properties you can specify are:
    • Name
      This will identify the saved list in NexJ Admin Console and NexJ CRM.
    • Type
      Allows you to choose the type of entity that can be added to the list.
    • Description
      A description of the list. This is an optional field.
    • View and Edit Security Level
      In the Security tab, you can set the view and edit security for the saved list.
  4. Click OK.
    The Add List dialog closes.

Deleting saved lists

You can delete lists that you no longer need.

To delete an existing saved list:

  1. Navigate to the Entity Codes page.
  2. In the Lists tab, right-click the list want to delete and select Delete.

The saved list is deleted.

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