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Disabling throttling for Exchange Server

Exchange Server uses client throttling policies to manage Exchange system performance. To do this, Exchange tracks the resources that each user consumes and enforces limits, as necessary. Client throttling policies are turned on by default, which may negatively affect performance for NexJ service accounts.


Disabling throttling for Exchange Server

To disable throttling:

  1. Create a custom throttling policy.
  2. Assign the new policy to each service account to which it applies.
  3. In Exchange Management Shell, issue the following commands.
    These commands create the new policy, set the various throttling values to null, and then assign the new policy to the service account.

    >New-ThrottlingPolicy NexjsaPolicy
    >Set-ThrottlingPolicy NexjsaPolicy -EWSMaxConcurrency $null -EWSPercentTimeInAD
     $null -EWSPercentTimeInCAS $null -EWSPercentTimeInMailboxRPC $null
     -EWSMaxSubscriptions $null -EWSFastSearchTimeoutInSeconds $null
     -EWSFindCountLimit $null
    >Set-Mailbox nexj-sync -ThrottlingPolicy NexjsaPolicy

    You have disabled throttling for Exchange Server.


    The change to the throttling policy affects all service accounts to which the policy is assigned. This may conflict with recommended settings for a particular service account.

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