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Environment setup and customization


The setup for the UI automation tests is similar to the setup for the regular metadata unit tests and uses the same infrastructure.

You will need to include the latest Selenium WebDriver in your in third-party folder.

  • For developers, this setting already defaults to the directory specified by the eclipse classpath variable THIRD_PARTY.
  • Otherwise, specify a root folder which contains all folders prefixed with selenium-webdriver-* from \sv-build-file\3rd Party\packages.

General procedure for automation

  1. Create or find the appropriate .utest file in your finance or relevant project.
  2. Launch the AFL portal.
  3. Use the automation recorder (Ctrl + F11) to perform the use case you want to automate.
  4. Export the recorded script.
  5. Add assertions.
  6. Run the tests in the unit test player, and make fixes if they fail.
  7. Once the tests pass, have your code reviewed.


The following table represents the properties NexJ uses to customize the UI test runs in NexJ Finance Portal.

PropertyDescriptionDefault Value

Enables alarms during tests.

uitest.browsersThe list of valid browser types, defined in the properties file.IE, CH, FF

Location of the chrome application if not default."C:\\Java\\chrome-81.0-win32-x64\\chrome.exe"
uitest.defaultBrowserThe browser type.CH
uitest.headlessRuns the test in headless mode.true

Sets browser locale.

The following runs the tests in French: -Dnexj.uitest.locale="fr"

Default system language
uitest.maximumWaitThe regular action timeout for a Selenium wait in milliseconds.5000
uitest.pageLoadTimeoutThe initial page load duration timeout in milliseconds.60000
uitest.screenshotDirRoot folder that screenshots should be stored into.null
uitest.screenshotsEnabledTake a screenshot when the test is completed.Defaults to true if uitest.screenshotDir is specified, or false otherwise.

Enables slow mode.

Selenium waits a defined time in milliseconds between each action. It also hangs the test harness on test failure if uitest.slow is greater than 0 to allow external debugging. Usually used in conjunction with uitest.headless=false.


Sets the time used by the automation application for actions.

-Dnexj.uitest.time="2022-01-06 07:00:00"

Sets the timezone used by the automation application for actions.


Path to the executable web driver file.

A setting controlled by NexJ Studio preferences. This is the only required setting to run UI automation.

To change any of these property values from NexJ Studio Tool Settings:

  1. Select Window > Preferences > NexJ Studio > Launch Settings > Tool Settings > Run Unit Tests.
  2. In the VM arguments field, enter:
    -Dnexj.[property] = value

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