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New features delivered in 22.09

The following features and enhancements were included as part of 22.09:

NexJ CRM user experience enhancements

This release includes the following enhancements to the user experience.

Preview entity and activity summaries

You can now preview entity and activity records on the Contacts workspace and the Tasks workspace without needing to open their detailed view (AFL-7697). The preview shows the summary information about the record and allows you to navigate to the detailed profile for an entity or to view and edit all details for an activity.

You can use the new Preview button

on each row of the data tables on Contacts workspace, the Activities tab on entity profiles, and the Tasks workspace to open a Preview sidebar on the left side on the workspace.

You can also open the previews for entities associated with an activity, by clicking the name of the entity in the For or Assigned To column on the Tasks workspace data table.

For more information, see "Navigating the NexJ CRM user interface" in the end-user documentation.

Batch process enhancements

You can now use the new Batch Processes workspace

to view the status and details for batch jobs (AFL-6482). Batch processes that can be reviewed on the Batch Processes workspace including batch printing, batch emails, deleting multiple service requests, changing campaign participant status for multiple participants, and entity batch jobs such as updating custom fields, adding contacts to lists, or merging contact records.

For more information, see "Batch operations" in the end-user documentation.

Spell-checking in the rich text editor

When you are editing emails, notes, and documents in NexJ CRM in the rich text editor (CKEditor) in the desktop application, you can access the CKEditor native menu in the text body field by pressing CTRL+right-click, and you can select your spell-check settings. You can also press CTRL+right-click on misspelled words and select from the list of suggested corrections (AFL-7755).

For more information, see "Batch operations", "Adding notes", and "Managing documents" in the end-user documentation.

Rich text editing using mobile devices

NexJ CRM provides the mobile version of the rich text editor application (CKEditor) to make it easier to edit email and notes text on a mobile device when the screen size is reduced, and there is limited space (AFL-7474).

Navigating to a household member's profile

You can now navigate to the contact profile for household member from their household profile (AFL-7714). On the Summary tab, in the Members card, expand the household member record and click Go to Contact.

For more information, see "Households" in the end-user documentation.

Using email templates in campaigns

When defining a Send Email action in a campaign workflow or campaign workflow template, you can now indicate that an existing document should be used as the template for the email (AFL-6728).

For more information, see "Campaigns" and "Campaign workflow templates and participant statuses" in the end-user documentation.

Additional household communication methods

All communication methods that can be specified for a contact can now be specified for a household, including Home phone numbers, Mobile phone numbers, and email addresses that can be used to send SMS messages (AFL-7716).

For more information, see "Managing communication methods" in the end-user documentation.

Resetting the user interface

To clear the client state, which includes unsaved search and filter values and non-default data table preferences, click User settings on the application toolbar and select Reset User Interface (AFL-4764).

For more information, see "Navigating the NexJ CRM user interface" in the end-user documentation.

Improved interaction filter options for predefined reports

When specifying which interactions should be included in the predefined contact Details report, you can now select multiple interaction statuses (AFL-7830).

For more information, see "Predefined reports" in the end-user documentation.

Reporting enhancements

This release includes the following enhancements to the ad hoc reporting functionality:

User interface enhancements

This release includes the following enhancements to the user experience for ad hoc reporting.

User feedback occurs when saving a report schedule

When you select a schedule frequency (for example, Once, Daily, Weekly or Monthly) for a report in the Schedule tab on the Reporting workspace, and click Set Schedule to save the schedule for a report, you can confirm that the saving of the schedule has worked as the next scheduled run time will appear below the Set Schedule button (CDM-4759).

For more information, see "Ad hoc reporting" in the end-user documentation.

Filtering reports by selecting specific association instances

When you want to filter for a specific association instance, you will now select a Specific <Association> in the Filters tab instead of an <Association> ID (CDM-4775).

For more information, see "Ad hoc reporting" in the end-user documentation.

New tooltips

When a header value or result value in the table in the Summary tab in the Report Viewer is long and does not display completely, you can hover over the header or result, and a tooltip displays that shows the full value (CDM-4862).

Support for complex filter expressions

You can create complex filter expressions using logical operators in the new Filters tab (CDM-4738).

For more information, see "Ad hoc reporting" in the end-user documentation.

Subject area configuration enhancements

Developers can configure the sort order for associations using the sortOrder parameter that will be applied when a selection dialog is displayed for filtering on specific associations (for example, the Enter (Specific) For filter dialog) in the Filters tab (CDM-4773).

For associations, developers can display the name attribute in filter selection dialogs for association instances by using the pickerAttrs parameter for those associations (CDM-4775). In addition, they can use this parameter to provide a comma-separated list of attributes that will also appear in the filter selection dialogs as table columns for these instances. These columns will help the user to select an instance by displaying information that is unique to each instance.

For more information, see Ad hoc reports development.

Sharing private reports with specified users

Previously, users had to make a report public in order to share it with other team members. Now, you can share private reports with specified users by selecting the Unlisted setting in the View and edit permissions settings for reports, and sharing the URLs for the saved reports (CDM-4717).

For more information, see "Ad hoc reporting" in the end-user documentation.

Specifying currencies on a per-report basis at report generation time

You can select the currency for a report on the Currency card in the Settings tab (CDM-4562). Selecting a currency will overwrite any default currency selection made by you in User Preferences for NexJ CRM or the system default setting.

For more information, see "Ad hoc reporting" in the end-user documentation.

Logging enhancements

You are now able to redirect the standard error and standard out log feeds to your choice of log4j appenders (ECRM-31560).

For more information, see Logging.

Security enhancements

This release includes the following security enhancements:

  • Apache Tomcat libraries have been upgraded to version 8.5.82 (released by the Apache Software Foundation on August 8, 2022) (ECRM-31507)

NexJ System Admin Console enhancement

A Clear Queue button has been added to the Object Queues tab of NexJ System Admin Console, which cancels every message in the target queue, and deletes all waiting and blocked messages (ECRM-31547).

For more information, see Viewing messages for object queues.

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