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Reordering enumeration values

Change the order of values in an enumeration to change where they are displayed in the list that is generated by the enumeration.

You can change the order of values only in enumerations that have the System, Run Time Editable or Custom Field Picklists classification.

To reorder values in an enumeration:

  1. Navigate to the Enumerations page.
  2. In the Enumerations list, select an enumeration. The details of the selected enumeration are displayed in the area to the right of the list.
  3. Click the Values tab. A list of the enumeration's values and their details are displayed.
  4. Click the Edit Order button 
    The Edit Enumeration Code Order dialog opens.
  5. Select a value, then click the Up 
     or Down 
     buttons to move the value up or down in the list.
  6. Click OK to save the changes to the order. The Edit Enumeration Code Order dialog closes.

The changes to the order of the enumeration's values are saved. The items will appear in the list generated by the enumeration in the same order as their corresponding values.

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