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Viewing messages for object queues

View messages for object queues to gain insight into the health of your application's object queue traffic and to pinpoint the source of errors.

The Messages tab on the Object Queues page displays all undelivered messages for a selected object queue.

The Messages tab is divided into the messages list at the top and the Detail area at the bottom. The tab displays the following information:

Delivery Time

The date and time the message is scheduled to be delivered.

Error Count

The number of errors associated with the message.


Identifies a message to which an order of delivery applies. The message will not be delivered until the current message completes successfully or fails completely.

Is Processing

Indicates whether the message is still processing.

Last Priority

Priority of a message for which the Delivery Time has not yet expired.


The name of the message. This name is either defined by the application developer when the object queue was defined in NexJ Studio, or it is generated based on classes, events, and message type.


The ordinal value of the message. Reflects the position of the message in the object queue.

Original Queue

The first queue to which the message was sent. Use this information to when reviewing the default error queue that stores failed messages from the other originating queues.


Indicates the order of operations of messages passing through a queue. A message will not be processed until the preceding message is processed.


The priority of the message. The priority is automatically set to the queue’s priority to which the message is sent. In certain cases, an administrator may set the priority manually to define ordering within a queue.


The queue to which the message has most recently been sent.

Resource Held

Indicates whether the message has acquired any resources or is processing. When true, the message will be recovered following any server failure.


The number of sent messages. Persistent messages are sent once, but may be dispatched more than once.

Update Enabled

Indicates whether further updates to this message are allowed.


The state of persistent messages. For more information about the states, see Message states.

When persistent messages complete successfully they are deleted and have no state.


The name of the user under which the message is being processed or will be processed.

To view messages for an object queue:

  1. In NexJ System Admin Console, navigate to the Object Queues page.
  2. Select an object queue from the Object Queues list.
  3. In the details zone, select the Messages tab. The list of messages for the selected object queue display in the messages list.
  4. [Optional] To filter the list of messages, enter filter criteria in any of the following fields, then click the Set Filter button 

    • In the Message Name field, enter a keyword to use as a filter. Only messages that contain the specified keyword in their name will display in the messages list.
    • In the Delivery Time Range fields, specify a start date and end date. Only messages transmitted during the specified date range will display in the messages list. If you do not specify start and end times, the times default to midnight on the specified date.
    • In the User field, click the Select button, and select a user in the Select User dialog. Then, click OK.
    • In the State drop-down, select a state. For example, select Blocked.
    • In the Type drop-down, select a message type.
    The list updates to display only messages that meet the specified filter criteria.
  5. [Optional] Click the Refresh button 
     to update the messages list with messages that were delivered since you opened the page.
  6. Select a message from the messages list.

The selected message's details display in the Detail area.

To view all messages in the messages list again, click the Clear Filter 


There are times when the number of messages on a particular queue grows so high that it starts affecting the performance of other areas of the application. In conjunction with advice from the NexJ Support team, an administrative user can clear a problematic queue in an effort to restore application stability by clicking the Clear Queue button in the Messages tab, which cancels every message in the queue, and deletes all waiting and blocked messages.

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