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New features delivered in 22.04

The following features and enhancements were included as part of 22.04:

NexJ CRM user experience enhancements

This release includes the following enhancements to the user experience.

Displaying additional household member information in household profiles

You can now see household member birth date and salutation in household profiles (AFL-7247). In a household profile, navigate to the  Summary tab. In the Members card, expand the record for each household member to view their date of birth and their preferred name to be used in salutations (displayed in the Dear field).

For more information, see "Households" in the end-user documentation.

Sorting batch print output

When you print a document that includes merge fields for a list of entities, the output of the batch print job is now sorted in alphabetical order (AFL-7332).  Batch print job reports are sorted by last name and first name for contacts, and by company name for companies. When you print multiple documents for the same list of entities, the order of records in each report will be the same.

For more information, see "Batch operations" in the end-user documentation.

Displaying path information for documentation folders in campaigns

The Select a folder dialog, which opens when you select the Folder field in the New Campaign or Edit Campaign dialog, now displays the Document Manager path for the folder, in addition to the folder name (AFL-7294).

Recording driver's license and passport information

You can now record driver's license and passport information on a contact's profile (AFL-7009). This information is displayed on the Identifications card on the Detail tab.

For more information, see "Managing identifications" in the end-user documentation.

Saving the client state for search and filtering

Starting with this release, the client state for text search and filter cards is saved when you log off or close your browser (AFL-2811). This means that the next time you log in, the text and filter values from the previous search are displayed. The client state is only saved for the last active filter. 

For more information, see "Searching and filtering in NexJ CRM" in the end-user documentation.

Viewing reminder details

When you are viewing an alarm for a schedule item or task in the Reminders dialog, you can display more about the schedule item or task in the application sidebar (AFL-7044). You can also edit the details for the schedule item or task from the sidebar.

For more information, see "Schedule items" or "Tasks" in the end-user documentation.

Reporting enhancements

This release includes the following enhancements to the ad hoc reporting functionality:

CSV export enhancements

User-configurable report settings

A new Settings tab (which replaces the Schedule tab) was introduced to consolidate advanced end-user facing configuration for a report. All parameters found on the Settings tab are configured and saved on a per-report, per-user basis (CDM-4729).

Configuration related to scheduling report execution can now be found on the Schedule card.

On the Export card, you can select an option that specifies how collection fields for a report will be exported in a CSV file. These options determine if collection fields in an exported CSV file are expanded to multiple rows, and whether common fields are repeated, or whether collection fields are collapsed to a single row using a delimiter. When you select an option, your selection will overwrite the default settings in NexJ CRM System Admin Console.

For more information, see "Ad hoc reports" in the end-user documentation.

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