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How NexJ Schedule Synchronization Works

The new NexJ Schedule Synchronization module allows users to ensure that their Outlook on Microsoft 365 calendar matches their NexJ CRM calendar.  With the module, users can be confident that they won't miss a meeting regardless of which calendar they use. 

NexJ Schedule Synchronization operates in two modes: continuous and snapshot.

Continuous synchronization

During continuous synchronization, information is synchronized bidirectionally between Outlook and NexJ CRM in near real-time. Soon after meetings are created, updated or deleted in one system, they are created, updated or deleted in the other.  Continuous synchronization occurs for all meetings regardless of the date of the meeting. Day-to-day synchronization occurs for as long as the user has connected NexJ CRM to their Outlook account. 

Snapshot synchronization

A snapshot is a bulk operation that occurs when a user first connects their Outlook account to NexJ CRM.  It ensures that the Outlook calendar and the NexJ CRM calendar are initially synchronized.  A snapshot synchronizes meetings that are up to 30 or 90 days un the past (depending on your Nylas subscription) or up to 2 years in the future. Meetings outside of this range are not synchronized unless they are updated or deleted through continuous synchronization.

System administrators can also trigger a snapshot if required using the Nylas Admin Console. Snapshots are asynchronous and take time to complete. Continuous synchronization occurs while the snapshot is still processing.

Field mappings

During synchronization, the following fields are mapped between Outlook and CRM:

Outlook Fields

CRM Fields




View Security (on Security tab)



All day

All Day

Start time (including time zone)

Start Date

End time (including time zone)

End Date



Participants (name, email, status)

For and Assign To (including Response)


Created By

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