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Manually synchronizing with an Exchange server using snapshots

Although synchronization executes in almost real-time, as an administrator, you can force synchronization using the Get snapshot and Send snapshot buttons in the Synchronization screen of NexJ Admin Console. You can execute a snapshot at the Exchange system level or at the user folder level. If a user's inbound and outbound synchronization becomes disabled after objects have been synchronized and is later enabled again, inbound data changes will synchronize from the external system for the user. You must use Send snapshot to the external system to re-enable outbound synchronization for data changes made in NexJ CRM for the user.

Full snapshots

Sending a full snapshot synchronizes all data from NexJ CRM to the external system, overriding any data changes made in the external system, including deleted data. Similarly, getting a full snapshot synchronizes all data from the external system to NexJ CRM, potentially overriding data changes made in NexJ CRM, including deleted data.

Filtered snapshots

Filtered snapshots behave like full snapshots, however, they only process a predefined set of items as determined by the snapshot filter. The filter can be customized before the snapshot is executed.

Filtered snapshots for schedule items

This filter has a customizable date range. Schedule items will be included in the snapshot if their date option, which can be selected by the administrator, falls within this range. Date options include Date Modified and Start Date of the schedule item. The snapshot filter for schedule items can be configured to include either recurring items, non-recurring items, or both. When the Start Date option is selected for recurring items, a recurring item will be included if the recurrence range, defined as the period from the start date to the end date of the recurrence, overlaps with the Date Range.

Filtered snapshots for tasks

This filter has a customizable Date Range. Tasks will be included in the snapshot if their date option, which can be selected by the administrator, falls within this range. Date options include Date Modified, Start Date, and Due Date of the task. The administrator can additionally choose to include tasks with no Start Date or Due Date.

Filtered snapshots for contacts

This filter has a customizable Date Range. Contacts will be included in the outbound snapshot if their last modified date falls within the specified Date Range.

Getting and sending snapshots

You can manually perform inbound and outbound synchronization for a selected server or folder.

To perform inbound or outbound synchronization for a server or folder:

  1. In NexJ Admin Console, navigate to the Synchronization page.
  2. In the Synchronization tab, select a server in the Targets list at the top of the page.
  3. In the Targets area at the top of the page, do any of the following:
    • Click the Get snapshot from the external system 
      button to perform an outbound synchronization with the selected server.
    • Click the Send snapshot to the external system (All links)  
      button to perform an inbound synchronization with the selected server.
  4. In the links area at the bottom of the page, select a link, and do any of the following:
    • Click the Get snapshot from the external system 
      button to perform an inbound synchronization with the selected folder.
    • Click the Send snapshot to the external system (Selected link only) 
      button to perform an outbound synchronization with the selected folder.

You have manually synchronized a server or folder.

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