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Monitoring statistics for NexJ applications

NexJ Model Engine lets developers and administrators add, update, and track real-time usage statistics through Java Management Extensions (JMX). This allows administrators to manage and monitor NexJ Model Engine, including dynamic resource pools leveraged for HTTP, TCP, UDP, timers, and relational databases. Developers may add additional statistics to metadata customizations through a provided API. Any external monitoring tool, such as JConsole or Java VisualVM, can be used as long as it supports interacting with managed beans, or MBeans, through JMX connectors.

In addition to using external tools, you can monitor JMX statistics from the Statistics page in NexJ System Admin Console.

You can also connect to JConsole remotely to monitor JMX statistics for NexJ Server.

The Statistics page in NexJ System Admin Console enables you to monitor the performance of your system by viewing real-time usage statistics for NexJ Model Engine.

You can use the Statistics page to:

  • View real-time statistics for a node or an entire cluster
  • View descriptions of available statistics
  • Modify key system parameters at run time

  • Enable or disable persistent statistics
  • Specify how long persisted statistics are stored
  • Modify the sampling interval for statistics

The Statistics page is divided into two areas:

  • The Statistics list on the left, which displays a list of all components for which statistics are tracked in a tree structure.
  • The details area on the right, which displays the path and statistics for the selected component.

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