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Collecting diagnostic data on dynamic resource pools

You can collect diagnostic information about the current state of a dynamic resource pool. You can use the information for troubleshooting purposes, such as identifying leaked connections.

You can also view dump files that are automatically generated for resource pools.

To manually collect diagnostic data on a dynamic resource pool:

  1. In NexJ System Admin Console, navigate to the Statistics page.
  2. Find and expand the node for your NexJ application, for example, expand

    This functionality is only available for the NexJ application.

  3. Select the Administration node. The statistics for the node display on top of the details area. Any available commands display on the bottom of the details area.
  4. Double-click on the dumpPoolState command. The Invoke dumpPoolState command dialog opens.
  5. Click the Invoke button.

    You can view diagnostic dumps in application logs for the other nodes in the cluster.

    Diagnostic information for the current node displays in the Result area.

  6. Click the Close button 
     on the top right corner of the dialog. 
    The Invoke dumpPoolState command dialog closes.

You have viewed diagnostic data on a dynamic resource pool.

Interpreting resource pool diagnostic data
Viewing dump files for resource pools

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