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Deploying mailer templates

System administrators can deploy mailer templates for Document Manager items using an import process in NexJ Admin Console. For example, administrators can import third-party birthday mailer templates along with matching criteria they have written in Scheme expressions. Users can then select the Document Manager folder containing the birthday mailer templates to print birthday messages for contacts. Based on the matching criteria, the system determines the template to be used for each selected contact.

Contact your administrator to run the import process for the mailer templates. For more information about deploying mailer templates, see Providing custom tokens and templates for mailer documents.

Birthday Mailer

If you want to deploy Birthday Mailer templates, ensure that the Birthday Mailer feature is activated by setting the birthdayMailerEnabled attribute in the environment file to true: birthdayMailerEnabled="${birthdayMailerEnabled:true}"

A list of commonly used environment variables can be found in the Example environment settings for NexJ CRM deployment documentation.

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