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Synchronizing with external databases

Synchronization is the integration of schedule items, tasks, and contacts for different users between NexJ CRM and Microsoft Exchange servers. The Synchronization page in NexJ Admin Console allows you to synchronize the NexJ database with multiple external databases, and exchange data related to users, schedule items, and tasks.

NexJ currently supports inbound synchronization with servers that support LDAP (referred to in this document as LDAP servers) and Microsoft Exchange Servers, and outbound synchronization with Microsoft Exchange Servers. All configuration of synchronization takes place in this page.

Inbound synchronization is the process in which data is received by NexJ CRM from Microsoft Exchange. For example, inbound synchronization occurs when a meeting is created in Microsoft Outlook and consequently a schedule item is created in NexJ CRM. Outbound synchronization is the process in which data is sent by NexJ CRM to Microsoft Exchange. For example, outbound synchronization occurs when a schedule item is created in NexJ CRM and consequently a meeting is created in Microsoft Outlook.

For details about setting up Microsoft Exchange Server synchronization, see the Microsoft Exchange Server Synchronization.

The Synchronization page contains three tabs.


This tab is where the bulk of synchronization configuration occurs. There are four sections in this tab:

  • The Targets list at the top left, which shows a list of target servers that the NexJ CRM server will synchronize with.
  • The target details area at the top right, which displays the details related to a selected target server.
  • The Links list at the bottom left, which shows a list of links related to a selected target server.
  • The link details area at the bottom right, which displays the details related to a selected link.

LDAP Group Mapping

This tab is where you configure user group synchronization with LDAP servers.


This tab allows you to enable certain aggregate Online Analytical Processing functionality for your deployment.

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