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Modifying categories for an entity type

You can specify the available categories and category groups for contacts created from the entity type in NexJ CRM.

You can specify any categories and category groups that have been set to Active in the Categories tab in the Entity Codes page in NexJ Admin Console.

To modify an entity type's available category groups and categories:

  1. Navigate to the Entity Codes page.
  2. In the Entity Types tab, select the Categories subtab.
  3. To modify the category groups:
    1. Click the Select button 
       at the top of the Category Groups list. 
      The Select Category Groups dialog opens.
    2. In the list on the left side of the dialog, select the category groups that you want to make available to the entity type and click AddYour selections are added to the list of available category groups on the right side of the dialog.
    3. Click OKThe Select Category Groups dialog closes.
  4. To modify the categories:
    1. Click the Select button 
       at the top of the Categories list. 
      The Select Categories dialog opens.
    2. In the list on the left side of the dialog, select the categories that you want to make available to the entity type and click Add.
      Your selections are added to the list of available categories on the right side of the dialog.
    3. Click OKThe Select Categories dialog closes.
  5. Click the Save button 

The selected category groups and categories are made available to assign to the entity type in NexJ CRM.

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