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Customizing enumerations

An enumeration is a set of all of the items in a list that appear in NexJ CRMNexJ Admin Console or NexJ System Admin Console. You customize a list by changing the caption values for an enumeration.

For example, the enumeration ROLEENUM stores the list of all coverage roles available for creating coverage groups in NexJ Admin Console or assigning individual user coverage in NexJ CRM. You can add another role or change the description of an existing role.

 Enumerations are classified as system or custom enumerations. Certain system enumerations cannot be edited.

The Enumerations page allows you to view and modify system enumerations and configure the enumerations you have created. The Enumerations page is divided into two areas:

  • The Enumerations list on the left, which displays a filterable list of all existing enumerations.
  • The details area on the right, which displays the details related to a selected enumeration. This area is divided into two tabs:
    • Detail tab
      This tab displays the identifying information related to the enumeration.
    • Values tab
      This tab displays the values of the enumeration: the items that will appear in the list corresponding to the enumeration. The Basic tab displays each value's default caption, and the Advanced tab displays locale-specific value captions when they are defined.

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