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Restarting the object queue dispatcher from the Object Queue page

If necessary, you can manually restart the object queue dispatcher from NexJ System Admin Console.

Only restart the object queue dispatcher if necessary, for example, when the dispatcher is experiencing problems. For example, restart the dispatcher as an alternative to restarting the dispatcher node or running manual SQL queries. Restarting the dispatcher results in the loss of transient messages that have not yet been delivered.

To restart the object queue dispatcher:

  1. In NexJ System Admin Console, navigate to the Object Queues page.
  2. At the top of the Object Queues list, click Restart Dispatcher. A warning message indicates that restarting the dispatcher results in the loss of pending transient messages.
  3. In the warning message, click Yes. The dispatcher restarts.
  4. In the confirmation message, click OK. The confirmation message closes.

You have restarted the object queue dispatcher.

You can also restart the dispatcher from the Statistics page in NexJ System Admin Console.

Restarting the object queue dispatcher from the Statistics page

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