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Viewing details for object queues

View details for object queues to help identify configuration changes that you can make to prevent error messages and improve transmission speeds.

The Detail tab on the Object Queues page displays information about an object queue's configuration.

The Detail tab displays the following information:


The name of the object queue.


The maximum number of messages in the queue that can be in the Processing state at the same time. A value of 0 indicates unlimited concurrency.


Indicates whether the object queue has been customized.


Indicates whether the object queue can be deleted.

Error Count

The number of attempts that can be made before the queue stops executing or delivering a message. Messages that reach this error count are delivered to the error queue.

Error Queue

The object queue that handles error messages identified in the selected object queue. Null refers to the default ObjectErrorQueue queue.


The priority of the object queue. Object queues are processed in order of priority from lowest value to highest.

Receive Enabled

Indicates whether the object queue can receive messages.

Send Enabled

Indicates whether the object queue can send messages.


Indicates whether the object queue is part of metadata or added through the SysUpgrade process.


The amount of time in milliseconds that the object queue will attempt to deliver a message before proceeding to the next message in the queue. A value of 0 or null indicates that there is no timeout.

To view configuration details for an object queue:

  1. In NexJ System Admin Console, navigate to the Object Queues page.
  2. Select an object queue from the Object Queues list.
  3. In the details zone, select the Detail tab.

The selected object queue's detailed configuration information displays in the Detail tab.

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