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Enabling integration logging for a channel

You can enable integration logging for individual channels. When you enable logging, you specify the logging level for the channel.

You can enable integration logging for file, HTTP, mail, message queue, TCP, and UDP channels.

Before enabling integration logging for a channel, you must enable integration logging for the system.

To enable integration logging for a channel:

  1. In NexJ System Admin Console, navigate to the Statistics page.
  2. In the Statistics list, expand the node for your NexJ application and then select Administration Channel.
  3. Navigate to the channel node that you want to enable logging for. For example, navigate to ExchangeEWSNotificationReceiver to enable logging for inbound Exchange notifications. Configuration options for the channel display in the details area.
  4. Beside Message log level in the details area, double-click in the Value column. A text entry field displays.
  5. To specify the logging level for the channel, enter one of the following values and press Enter.

    ValueLogging levelDescription
    -1OffNo logging
    0FatalNo logging
    1ErrorDetailed entry for each request where exception encountered
    2WarnDetailed entry for requests that exceed the timeout value specified for the channel
    3InfoSummary entry for all requests
    4DebugSummary entry for all requests
    5DumpDetailed entry for all requests

    The logging level is updated for the channel.

You have enabled logging for the specified channel.

Next, you can retrieve logging information from the NexJ System Admin Console. For more information, see Filtering integration logs.

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