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Configuring predefined reports

predefined report is a specific type of file that can extract information from the database to be presented in an organized manner.

The Report Manager page enables you to view existing predefined reports and add new ones.

The Report Manager page consists of the following tabs:

Report Manager

Manage available reports and their properties through two areas:

  • The reports list on the left, which displays all of the available reports.
  • The Report Preview area on the right, which displays the details related to the selected report.

Report Branding

Add header image branding to reports.

Defining reports

Report Primary Queue defines a time for which a report will be executed. For reports that are defined to run in a process queue, all requests will be executed at the day and time defined. A Report Batch Queue is similar to the Primary Queue, however it is only used when generating reports for a list of contacts.

To create a report:

  1. Navigate to the Report Manager page.
  2. In the Report Manager tab, click the Add button
    The Create Report dialog opens.
  3. Enter a name and caption for your report in the corresponding fields.
  4. Select the Master checkbox to make the report accessible in NexJ CRM.
  5. The Parameter Supply Method determines where the report will get information from, where you will be able to access the report, and which type of dialog will appear when you create the report. There are three choices:
    • None
      Define reports that are sub-sections of larger reports. Use this if you want to create report content that will be reused across several different reports, such as the preferred communications for a user. If you create a report using this option, you cannot access it as an independent report in NexJ CRM. Instead, you must add it to another report.

    • Screen
      Select an option from the field. These options define the parameters screen that each report is associated with.

      When using the Screen method, do not choose All as the parameter supply. This option is a legacy value from Version 8.9 and earlier, and will cause the report to fail if used with the latest UI implementation.

    • Class
      This option allows users to generate reports from NexJ CRM without any report customization screens. The layout of the report is defined by a developer in NexJ Studio.

  6. Add an attachment to form the basis of the report template. This attachment must be a JRXML file, created from the report authoring tool.
  7. Select a Primary Queue and Batch Queue in the Report Queuing section.
  8. Click OKThe Create Report dialog closes.

Adding report branding

Header images can be added to those reports that support branding.

To add a header image to a report:

  1. Navigate to the Report Manager page.
  2. In the Report Branding tab, click the Add button
    The Add Report Brand dialog opens.
  3. Enter a name for the image in the Name field.
  4. Right-click in the Image area and select Set Picture.
  5. Browse for and upload the image you want to use as a report header. The image is added in the Add Report Brand dialog.
  6. Click OKThe Add Report Brand dialog closes.
  7. Click the Save button 
    to save your changes.

You have now made a header image available to add to reports.

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