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Configuring Tomcat connector properties

Tomcat connector attributes, such as web container thread pool size, are specified as system properties for NexJ Model Server and can be set or modified at deploy time.

Model Server uses three types of Tomcat connectors: AJP, HTTP, and push. The AJP connector is used for connections from a web server load balancer (mod_jk) and HTTP connectors are used for direct HTTP connections to the server. The push connector is a special HTTP connector that runs on a separate port and is used for establishing direct connections for sending push notifications. AJP connector elements use Tomcat AJP connector properties, and HTTP and push connector elements use Tomcat HTTP connector properties. 

For more information about common Tomcat connector attributes, see one of the following topics:

You can set the properties in three locations:

  • In the environment file for your deployment. If you set the properties in the environment file, you will need to redeploy for the changes to take effect.
  • In the modeld.conf file located in the <SERVER_HOME>\conf folder. If you set the properties in the modeld.conf file, you will need to restart the server for the changes to take effect.
  • In the jvm.conf file or in the command line, using the -D<property> command.

In case of a conflict, the value specified for a property using the -D<property> takes precedence, followed by the value specified in modeld.conf. If a value is not specified in either of these, the value specified in the environment file is used.

The format for setting the properties depends on the type of Tomcat connector you want to make changes to and the method you use to make the changes.

AJP connector properties in the environment file

AJP connector properties in the modeld.conf file

AJP connector properties in the jvm.conf file or in the command line

HTTP connector properties in the environment file

HTTP connector properties in the modeld.conf file

HTTP connector properties in the jvm.conf file or in the command line

HTTP connector properties for the push redirector in the environment file

HTTP connector properties for the push redirector in the modeld.conf file

HTTP connector properties for the push redirector in the jvm.conf file or in the command line

For example, to set the maximum number of request processing threads to be created by an AJP connector, specify ajp.connector.maxThreads="200" in the environment file, ajp.connector.maxThreads=200 in the modeld.conf file, or -Dnexj.ajp.connector.maxThreads="200" in the command line.

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