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Managing pending time-based actions

pending time-based action is an action that has been triggered by a rule but that has not been executed. For example, a rule can trigger a time-based action seven days before the close of opportunity.

Use the Pending Time Based Action page in NexJ Admin Console to manage the time-based actions that are pending in the system. You can display actions that are pending, executed, or that have executed with errors. You can filter the list of actions, and execute or cancel individual actions.

Searching for time-based actions

You can search for time-based actions by filtering the pending time-based actions list.

To search for time-based actions:

  1. In NexJ Admin Console, navigate to the Pending Time Based Action page.
  2. To filter the pending time-based actions list, select or enter values from the following filters at the top of the page:
    • OID
      To filter by the object ID of an action, enter an object ID value.

    • Any Subject Area
      To filter by the subject area to which an action applies, click the down arrow and select a subject area. For example, select Contact or Product OpportunityAny Subject Area applies no filter conditions.

    • Action Name
      To filter by the name of action, enter an action name. Action names are defined for rules on the Customize workspace in NexJ CRM.

    • Any Status
      To filter by the status of the action, click the down arrow and select a status. The status can be Executed with ErrorExecuted, or PendingExecuted displays actions that have executed within the past 24 hours. Any Status applies no filter conditions.

    • Executed Time
      To filter executed actions by date, click the drop-down arrows in the Executed Time field and select a start date and time. In the To field, select an end date and time.

  3. To run the filter, click the  Set Filter  button 


    To clear filter criteria, click Clear Filter  button 


The list of pending time-based actions is filtered.

Executing pending time-based actions

You can manually execute pending time-based actions.

To execute a pending time-based action:

  1. In NexJ Admin Console, navigate to the Pending Time Based Action page.
  2. In the pending time-based actions list, click the  Action button 
     beside the action that you want to execute, then select  Execute Action
    A confirmation dialog opens.
  3. In the confirmation dialog, click  Yes The confirmation dialog closes. The date and time that the action executed displays in the Executed Time column and the status updates to Executed.

You have manually executed a pending time-based action.

Cancelling pending time-based actions

You can manually cancel pending time-based actions.

To cancel a pending time-based action:

  1. In NexJ Admin Console, navigate to the Pending Time Based Action page.
  2. In the pending time-based actions list, click the  Action button 
     beside the action that you want to cancel, then select  Cancel Action
    A confirmation dialog opens.
  3. In the confirmation dialog, click  Yes The confirmation dialog closes and the action is removed from the list.

You have manually cancelled a pending time-based action.

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