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New features delivered in 9.2.2

The following features and enhancements were included as part of

Process Management form enhancements

When you are filling out Process Management forms, you can track your completion of required questions using a progress list in the Completion Status for the form. The progress indicator for a form section displays as full when you have completed all required questions for that section.

Completion status for Process Management forms

For information about using the progress list, see "Filling out Process Management forms" in the end user documentation. For information about enabling the progress list for users, see Developing PM forms in the technical documentation and "Managing Process Management forms" in the application administration documentation.

Reporting enhancements 

NexJ CRM's ad hoc reporting capabilities are now powered by NexJ Reporting. Support for JasperReports ad hoc reports has been removed from 9.1.0 onwards.

NexJ Reporting provides runtime-configurable reporting capabilities. Users can dynamically define reports by selecting relevant data across CRM subject areas and summarizing the selected data into tabular or graphical representations. They can also organize the reports into easy-to-read dashboards. For more information, see "Ad hoc reports" in the end user documentation. 

Administrators can assign privileges to define the level of access individual users have to the ad hoc reporting functionality. For more information, see NexJ CRM privileges.

Developers can seed in public reports, customize report template names and descriptions, and create and extend subject areas for ad hoc reports. For more information, see Ad hoc reports development.

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