Resetting folder states for Exchange Server policy changes
NexJ provides the ability to reset multiple folder states for Microsoft Exchange Server.
Microsoft Exchange Server items, such as tasks and meetings associated with a user’s account, can be subject to various policy changes. For example, your institution may decide to restrict access to items beyond a certain age. When constraints like these are applied, you can reset multiple folder states for Microsoft Exchange Server, which can minimize synchronization overhead associated with a broad Exchange policy change.
Before you reset folder states, you should:
Disable inbound synchronization at the target level.
Log in to NexJ Admin Console.
Navigate to the Synchronization page.
Select the target and, at the top of the Targetslist, click the Edit button .
Clear the Inbound checkbox.
Click OK.
Perform the required policy change on the Exchange mailboxes.
Resetting folder states for all folders
After you have performed all the policy changes, reset the folder states.
To reset folder states for all folders:
From the Synchronization page, select the target.
At the top of the Targetslist, click the Reset folder state (all links) button . After the operation is complete for all links on the target, the following message is logged to the server logs: "Resetting folder state for all the folders on <target name> is finished."
Restoring synchronization
After the reset operation is complete, enable inbound synchronization for the target.
To enable inbound synchronization for the target:
From the Synchronization page, select the target.
Click the Edit button .
Select Inbound.
Click OK.
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