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Troubleshooting unexpected errors in NexJ CRM

Unexpected errors are clearly visible to users in NexJ CRM and can usually be consistently reproduced. Unexpected errors contain a reference ID that you can use for troubleshooting purposes.

The following is an example of an unexpected error message:

An unexpected error has occurred and has been logged under reference ID “rq2d12”. Please try again or contact you administrator to report the issue and provide the reference ID.

Typical causes

Unexpected errors are typically caused by unhandled exceptions triggered by a user action in NexJ CRM, bugs in the code, bad data, or environmental issues.

Information to collect

Collect the following information to assist with troubleshooting:

  • The full exception error stack from the application log
  • Screenshots, timestamps, and login IDs of affected users
  • Steps to reproduce the error


When attempting to troubleshoot the issue, use the reference code from the UI exception to find the underlying error stack in the application logs. For example, reference id rq2d12 displays in the following application log:

[21/05/17 07:17:32:607 BST] 00000147 FlatWebPageSe E [http: 44035002] Error processing the flat page request (reference id rq2d12) java.lang.NullPointerException at…

Also look for the Caused by exception, which is typically located at the bottom of the error stack, to help resolve the problem. A Caused by exception is shown in the following example:

Caused by: nexj.core.integration.ObjectMismatchException: No matching persistent object for message part "DL_LegObject". (err.integration.object.noMatch)

The error stack may contain multiple related Caused by exception errors. Ensure that you record all related errors.


JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.