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Global search integration

After OpenSearch has been installed, you need to update the environment to enable global search to function in your deployment.

Enabling out-of-the-box global search for NexJ CRM

Update the environment and properties files to include various values related to global search.

  • Ensure that the following mixin has been added to the environment file:

    • nexj:model:es

  • Ensure that an HTTP channel with the following settings has been added to the environment file:

  • Add the following properties to the environment file:


    • es.tenant_name

    • es.syncConfig

The tenant name can also be set in JSON global search definition using the tenant_name property in the $rolloverConfig specification. The tenant name specified in the environment file overrides the one specified in the JSON definition.

Global search privileges

Users must be assigned the AFLShowGlobalSearch privilege to be able to see the Search icon and open the Search workspace.

You must add the user to the Global Search User privilege group in order to assign them the required privileges.

Initial syncing of NexJ CRM data

Before users can use the global search functionality for the first time, the data from NexJ CRM must be synchronized with the search server by running the new Global Search Sync batch process.

In the NexJ Admin Console, click the Batch Broker button batch_broker.png to open the Execute Batch Broker Process dialog.

Select the "GlobalSearchSyncBatchJob - manualRun" process from the Batch Broker menu and specify the following information in the Value field for each argument:

Specify a single class name. By default, the two supported class names are Act and Entity. You can only run the process for a single class at a time. For the initial sync, you must run the process once for each class.

startTime, endTime

The values are specified in the YYYY-MM-DD [HH:mm:ss] format using the time zone of the server. These times refer to the audit attributes of the instances, such as create and edit times. For the initial sync, set startTime to 1970-01-01 00:00:00 and endTime to today's date.

You can view the status of the processes in the NexJ Admin Console on the Process page. You can cancel a running process by right-clicking on it to bring up the "Cancel" menu.

For information about synchronizing NexJ CRM data after the initial synchronization, see Maintaining data synchronization for the Global Search feature .

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