Adding synchronization targets for Exchange Server
Use NexJ Admin Console to add and configure target servers that NexJ CRM will synchronize with.
After a new Exchange server has been added to this list, it cannot be removed or deleted. However, the server can be disabled, so that no synchronization occurs.
To add and configure Exchange Server synchronization targets:
In NexJ Admin Console, navigate to the Synchronization page.
In the Synchronization tab, in the Targets list, click Server > Exchange EWS. A new Exchange server appears in the Targets list and the new server's details appear in the right side of the page with the default values filled in.
Click theEditbutton on the top right of the page and complete the dialog that appears to modify the fields as needed:
Name Specifies the name of the target Exchange server. Host Specifies the fully qualified domain name of the Exchange server, for example, of the form host.domain.ext. NexJ URL Specifies the URL of NexJ anonymous HTTP context root, http://{<server>}{<Anonymous HTTP Server URL>}. For example, http://appserver.nexjsystems.local/nexj/anon. {<server>} Specifies the address of the load balancer or node, followed by an optional port. Generally, a load balancer would listen on the default port (80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS), so specifying a port may be unnecessary. However, if {server} is a node, specify a port since nodes are usually not listening on default ports. <Anonymous HTTP Server URL>} Specifies the URL of the NexJ anonymous HTTP context root. The root is defined for the .server or .environment file under the Communication tab in NexJ Studio. The default value is /nexj/anon.
If the Anonymous HTTP Server URL is set to a full URL, use the same URL for NexJ URL.
Version Specifies the Exchange Server version. By default, a server will be added with the version set to Exchange Server 2016. Subscription Type Specifies whether NexJ CRM uses the push or streaming mode to subscribe for notifications from Exchange Server 2013 and Exchange Server 2016. For more information, see Specifying the notification communication method. Method Specifies the security mechanism. By default, a server will be added with the method set to Impersonation. Keep items older than Specifies whether NexJ CRM should delete items that are deleted in Outlook. For example, if the value is 30, then any non-recurring meeting or task with a start or end date more than 30 days ago will not be deleted from NexJ CRM if it is deleted from Outlook. Maximum attachment size, kilobytes Specifies the maximum attachment size that can be synchronized. Attachments exceeding this limit will not be synchronized. Maximum allowed request rate per second Specifies the maximum allowed request rate per second. Maximum allowed subscriptions per minute Specifies the maximum number of subscription requests allowed each minute by the subscription batch job. Increasing this value will allow more subscription requests to the Exchange server and complete the subscription batch job quicker, but will also increase the load on the Exchange server. Maximum number of subscriptions per batch Specifies the maximum number of subscription requests per batch used by the subscription batch job. Increasing this number will read in more subscriptions in one batch, but will cause the Exchange server to receive larger groups of subscriptions at one time. Choose a reasonably small number to more evenly distribute subscription traffic to the Exchange server. Inbound Enables or disables inbound synchronization. Outbound Enables or disables outbound synchronization. Use Autodiscover Service Enables configuring a recurring batch job to trigger the Autodiscover service. Use Internal Client Access Servers Enable to try the internal server returned by the Autodiscover service. For more information, see Configuring auto discovery settings. Subscription Renewal Specifies the interval length between subscription renewals. Once the time has elapsed and no notifications or heartbeats have been received from the Exchange server for a specific folder, the system automatically renews its subscription to the Exchange server folder. The maximum value of this field is 2880. The minimum value is 2. Timer Specifies the length between executions of the timer script, which keeps the subscription running. Subscription Batch Job Timeout Specifies the interval, in minutes, used to detect a stale Exchange subscription batch job. EWS Sender Specifies the channel used for sending notifications. The default channel is ExchangeEWSSender.
The Channels fields are linked to the connections file during configuration.
Notification Specifies the channel used for receiving notifications. The default channel is ExchangeEWSNotificationReceiver.
The Channels fields are linked to the connections file during configuration.
Global Options Specifies global settings such as batch synchronization, auto discovery, and restrictions. Click the Configure button to open the Global Exchange Synchronization Options dialog through which you can configure global options. For more information, see Configuring global Exchange synchronization options. Item Types Displays the default configuration for synchronizing new tasks and schedule items to NexJ CRM. The Template column displays the action item template that will be used when a new activity (either task or schedule item) is imported from the Exchange server and created in NexJ CRM.
Click OK to close the dialog and save your changes.
The server is now configured.
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