An address type represents an address that can be entered for a contact in NexJ CRM. For example, common address types include business, home, or vacation.
Adding address types
You can add new address types to use in NexJ CRM.
To add a new address type:
Navigate to the Entity Codes page.
In the Address Types tab, click the Addbutton . The Add Address Type dialog opens.
In the Name field, enter the name of the address type that you want displayed in NexJ CRM.
The Namefield is a mandatory field.
In the Descriptionfield, enter an internal description of the address type.
In the Icon field, select an icon to represent the communication type in NexJ CRM.
In the Default to field field, select a default address type to assign this address type to.
Enable the End User Read Onlycheckbox to prevent this address type from being accessible in NexJ CRM.
With this enabled, the only way that this address type can be added to or removed from a profile is by modifying the database directly.
Enable the Unique checkbox to specify that a contact may only have a single instance of this address type in their profile.
In the Reference Name field, enter a reference name for the address type.
In the Entity Types tab, select entity types for which this address type will be available. Selecting the Pre-Populate checkbox will make the address type an available field in the Add Contact dialog for a new contact of that type.
Click OK. The Add Address Type dialog closes.
The address type is added and is displayed as specified in NexJ CRM.
Unlike communication types, you do not need to select a class because all addresses have the same basic format.
Deleting address types
You can delete any existing address type that does not have associated instances in NexJ CRM.
To delete an existing address type:
Navigate to the Entity Codes page.
In the Address Types tab, click the Actionbutton for the address type you want to delete and click the Deletebutton . A dialog opens asking you to confirm that you want to delete this address type.
Click Delete.
The address type is deleted.
Modifying address types
You can modify the properties of any existing address type.
To modify the properties of an address type:
Navigate to the Entity Codes page.
In the Address Types tab, in theAddress Typeslist, select the address type you want to modify and then, in the Detail area, click the Edit button . The Edit Address Type dialog opens.
In the Name field, edit the name of the address type that you want displayed in NexJ CRM.
The Namefield is a mandatory field.
In the Descriptionfield, edit the internal description of the address type.
In the Icon field, change the icon to represent the communication type in NexJ CRM.
In the Default to field field, select a default address type to assign this address type to.
Enable the End User Read Onlycheckbox to prevent this address type from being accessible in NexJ CRM.
With this enabled, the only way that this address type can be added to or removed from a profile is by modifying the database directly.
Enable the Unique checkbox to specify that a contact may only have a single instance of this address type in their profile.
In the Reference Name field, enter a reference name for the address type.
In the Entity Types tab, select entity types for which this address type will be available. Selecting the Pre-Populate checkbox will make the address type an available field in the Add Contact dialog for a new contact of that type.
Click OK. The Edit Address Type dialog closes.
The address type's properties are modified.
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