This following table describes some basic functions we used to perform various operations in UI tests.
Function | Description |
(app’use viewPath1) | Ensures that a control with the given semantic view path exists in the DOM, and sets it as the active control. |
(app’useXPath xPath 2) | Sets the active control to a WebElement with the given XPath. |
(app’click) | Performs a left click on the active control. |
(app’rclick) | Performs a right click on the active control. |
(app’dblclick) | Performs a double left click on the active control. |
(app’text text3) | Writes text to the current active control. |
(app’clear) | Clears the current control of text. |
(app’assertText text4) | Asserts that the text content of the current control is equivalent to the supplied text. |
(app’assertNotFound viewPath1) | Ensures that a control with the given semantic view path does not exist in the DOM. |
(app’assertXPathNotFound xPath2) | Ensures that a control with the given XPath does not exist in the DOM. |
(app’login username password) | Logs into some application with the given username and password credentials. |
(app’navigate workspace5) | Navigates to a visible workspace with the given caption. |
(app’quit) | Closes the browser instance associated with this applications’ WebDriver. |
(app’checked) | Determines if the given checkbox is checked (returns #t or #f). |
(app’addAttachment fileName6 content) | Adds a text attachment with the given file name and content to the active control. |
(app’addPDFAttachment fileName6 content) | Adds a valid PDF attachment with the given file name and content to the active control. |
(app'waitUntil) | Wait until lambda function returns true. Useful for waiting on a server invocation before proceeding with test. |
(app'waitUntilStale) | Wait until chosen view is stale. Useful for clicking action buttons on nested dialogs. |
(app'assertValue) | Assert DOM property on selected view. Useful for assert control specific properties like style , model properties, and so on. |
(app'get) | Getter for DOM properties. |
(app'executeJavascript) | Advanced API for running JavaScript within a Scheme environment. |
1: The semantic viewpath of the control.
2: The XPath of control to be set as active.
3: The text that will be parsed and written into the control.
4: The expected text.
5: The caption of the workspace to navigate to.
6: The attached file name that will be added to the active control.