NexJ CRM privileges
This section describes privileges and their functions.
Generally, the hierarchy for privileges within a category is as follows:
- Administrator override privileges (for example, the ability to skip object security)
- Access privileges (for example, the ability to access a workspace or functionality)
- Specific functional abilities that are typically organized by object type (for example, the ability to update companies or read only access)
New privileges for 9.4
Category | Privilege | Function |
Account plans | acctPlan:AccountPlanView | Allows the user to view account plans. |
Account plans | acctPlan:AccountPlanManage | Allows the user to manage account plans. |
Account plans | acctPlan:AdminAccountPlanManage | Allows the user to update and delete historical account plans. |
Inform | inform:ArticleView | Allows the user to read Inform articles. |
Inform | inform:InterestManage | Allows the user to add and delete Inform interests. |
Inform | inform:InterestView | Allows the user to view Inform interests. |
New privileges for 9.3
Category | Privilege | Function |
Households | mda:HouseholdEnabled | Displays the household name field in any add new entity dialog, such as New Household, New Contact, New Company, on the Contacts workspace. |
Schedule items | mda:TimeZonesEnabled | Enables the ability to choose a time zone for schedule items and documents. For schedule items, the time zone applies to both the start time and the end time and for documents it applies to the date and due date.
Schedule items always appear in the users’ calendar in their local time zone regardless of the chosen time zone.
New privileges for 9.2
The following table contains the privileges that are new for the NexJ CRM 9.2 release.
Category | Privilege | Function |
Activities | DefaultForContactEnabled | Enables the automatic association of entities with activities. When users create a new activity, the last user, contact, household, or company that you accessed appears in the For field. Disabling this privilege leaves the For field blank. DefaultForContactEnabled is granted to the existing gContactManagement privilege group. |
Filters | Filter:AdminManage | Allows the user to create public filters and to view, edit, and delete other users' private filters. |
Filters | filter:FavoriteManage | Allows the user to create, update, and remove favorite filters. |
Filters | filter:FavoriteView | Allows the user to view favorite filters. |
Filters | filter:gAdmin | A group of privileges that that grants full administrative privileges to filters. |
Filters | filter:gFavoriteManage | A group of privileges that allows its members to view and manage their own favorite filters. |
Filters | filter:gManage | A group of privileges that allows its members to create, update, and remove filters. |
Filters | filter:Manage | Allows the user to create, update, and remove filters. |
Filters | filter:View | Allows the user to view filters. |
Activities | mda:ContactsCompanyForActsEnabled | Adds a contact's company to the For field when a contact is added to the For field for all activities. |
Activities | mda:DefaultForContactEnabled | Enables the automatic association of entities with activities. When you create a new activity, the last user, contact, household, or company that you accessed appears in the For field. Disabling this option leaves the For field blank. |
Schedule items | mda:DisplayExternalContactsEnabled | Allows the user to display external contacts in the Attendees tab for schedule item dialogs. When sending invitations for a schedule item created in Microsoft Outlook, users may need to invite external contacts. An external contact is a contact who is added to a schedule item through synchronization with Microsoft Outlook but does not have any additional records in NexJ CRM. |
Batch email | mda:DocMgrBatchEmailEnabled | Allows the user to send batch emails from the Document Manager for one or more entities. |
Batch print | mda:DocMgrBatchPrintEnabled | Allows the user to batch print documents from the Document Manager for the one or more entities. |
Custom fields | mda:ExtendedCustomFieldsEnabled | Enables the currency type field for currency custom field types. |
Financial model | mda:FinancialModelEnabled | Enables financial information fields such as the AUM and the Total Invested Amount fields in the New Company dialog when users are adding companies. mda:FinancialModelEnabled is granted to the gContactManagement privilege. |
Schedule items | mda:MeetingInvitationsEnabled | Enables the Attendees tab in the New Schedule Item dialog that displays the entities and users an item is associated with, who will receive invitations, the response of each entity or user to the invitations, and whether invitations have been sent yet. Users can invite additional entities or users by adding them. |
Opportunities | mda:OpportunitiesEnabled | Shows the opportunity option in the Related tab of all activities and documents. To remove opportunities, disable this user option and hide the Opportunities tab on the Contacts workspace. For more information about personalizing NexJ CRM, see Customizing screens, toolbars, and portlets. |
Schedule items or tasks | mda:PrivateSchedulesTasksEnabled | Allows the user to restrict access to users' schedules and tasks by using the Set Permissions dialog on the Schedule workspace to allow specific users to view their schedule and tasks. By default, users' schedules and tasks are public. mda:PrivateSchedulesTasksEnabled replaces ScheduleTaskPrivateView. In order for view permissions to work correctly, all users must have this privilege. Otherwise, every user can see each others' schedule. |
Products | mda:ProductsEnabled | Shows the products option in the Related tab of all activities and documents. |
Tiers | mda:RegionalTiersUpdate | Allows the user, when adding contacts or companies, to set the regionalized tier and rank for a contact or company for multiple regions using the Tier & Rank tab. mda:RegionalTiersUpdate replaces RegionalTiersUpdate. |
Service requests | mda:ServiceRequestsEnabled | Shows the service request option in the Related tab of all activities and documents. To remove service requests, disable this user option anf hide the Service Requests tab. For more information about personalizing NexJ CRM, see Customizing screens, toolbars, and portlets. |
Tiers | mda:TierInheritanceManage | Allows the user to manage tier inheritance for contacts from companies. When enabled, contacts inherit the tier from the company to which they belong. |
User fields | mda:UserFieldsEnabled | Allows the user to add custom user fields to entities in the User Fields card on the Detail page. If you don't run with sample data, this privilege will be turned off, as this privilege is seeded in through sample data. |
Ad hoc reports | bireport:PrivateReportManage | Allows the user to view, create, edit, delete, export, and execute private reports. |
Ad hoc reports | bireport:PublicReportView | Allows the user to view, export, and execute public reports. |
Ad hoc reports | bireport:PublicReportManage | Allows the user to view, create, edit, delete, export, and execute public reports. |
Ad hoc reports | bireport:DashboardManage | Allows the user to create dashboards, and to view, edit, and delete their dashboards. |
Ad hoc reports | bireport:ReportAdmin | Enables access to all reporting functionality, including the ability to edit and delete private reports of other users. |
For information about privileges that were available prior to the 9.2 release, see the "NexJ CRM privileges" documentation for the 8.9 release.
Privilege groups for ad hoc reports
You can control user access to ad hoc reporting functionality by creating the following privilege groups and assigning users to the appropriate privilege group. The privilege groups mentioned here are examples; you can rename the groups as appropriate.
This section focuses on reports. Dashboards are always private-only. If a user is assigned to a privilege group that has the bireport:DashboardManage privilege, they will have full access to the dashboards functionality.
- Basic ad hoc reports users
These users can view, export, and execute public reports, but cannot create, edit, or delete reports. This group requires the bireport:PublicReportView privilege. - Private report creators
These users can view, export, and execute both private and public reports but can only create, edit, and delete private reports. They do not have edit access to reports shared by other users. This group requires the bireport:PrivateReportManage and bireport:PublicReportView privileges. - Report publishers
These users can view, create, edit, delete, export, and execute any report except the private reports of other users. This group requires the bireport:PublicReportView, bireport:PrivateReportManage, and bireport:PublicReportManage privileges. - Report administrators
These users have full access to the ad hoc reporting functionality. They can view, export, create, edit, and delete all reports, including private reports of other users. This group requires the bireport:ReportAdmin privilege, which includes the functionality of all the other ad hoc reporting privileges.