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Deployment reference

This information shows you how to deploy your model to your servers. NexJ applications include NexJ Customer Relationship Management, NexJ Admin Console, and NexJ System Admin Console.

The tasks outlined in this information are typically performed by deployment specialists. However, in some cases the tasks must be performed by developers, which are noted in individual topics in the guide.

This information shows how to:

  • Create environment files, which specify configuration settings for your model, and configure a database environment
  • Set up the application server that deploys your model. You can set up a WebSphere Application Server or a NexJ Model Server environment.

    For information about setting up WebSphere Application Server, see Setting up the WebSphere Application Server environment in the deployment documentation for the 8.9 release.

    You can also configure logging for the NexJ applications that run on the application server.

  • Enable push notifications by configuring the push server and push redirector
  • Secure, deploy, and monitor your NexJ applications

This information also includes information on deployment troubleshooting, sample environment file settings, Scheme scripts for local user administration, and an overview of push notification architecture.


NexJ Studio is not required to perform deployment tasks but is recommended. For example, you can edit environment files in a text editor. However, editing environment files in NexJ Studio is recommended, because it provides better validation functionality.

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