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Capitalization rules

Title case

  • Always capitalize the first and last word of a label or sentence.
  • Capitalize all principal words and all words with 4 or more letters.
  • Do not capitalize short articles and prepositions, such as "and" or "in".

If you are unsure of the correct capitalization for a label, use an online capitalization tool such as

Sentence case

  • Capitalize the first word of a label or sentence.
  • Capitalize feature names.

UI elements

UI ElementCapitalization Style
ButtonALL CAPS, appears as Title Case in documentation
Card titleTitle Case
Dialog titleSentence case
Field names (most)Title Case
Field names in the format of a sentenceSentence case
Ghost textSentence case
Instructional text and error messagesSentence case
Menu itemsSentence case
Menu names (what do you click to open the menu?)Title Case
Tab nameALL CAPS, appears as Title Case in documentation
TooltipsSentence case
Workspace nameTitle Case
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