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Integration questionnaire

Answers to the following survey are helpful in focusing conversations on how to integrate with an external system. NexJ’s platform is built for integration and has many options.  In general, there are three ways this is accomplished.

  • In the Browser - User interface events and context sharing:  URL query string parameters, POST parameters, JavaScript APIs, …
  • Message-based integration:  HTTP(s), REST, TCP, UDP, File, SMTP, Message Queue – JSON, XML, SOAP, CSV, Fixed/Copybook, vCard, Zip
  • Shared database Integration:  Relational (Oracle, MSSQL, Sybase, ...), stored procedures, plus non-relational (file system, XML files)

Typically we review the questions below for each system being considered and expece written answers, or links to documentation, describing the best approach for that application.

User interface events and context sharing

  1. Does the URL of your application accept query parameters as a means of setting a view as well as data within that view (e.g.
  2. Do you allow for HTTP POST operations to similarly pass context into your application?
  3. Can your application also perform outbound HTTP POST or GET operations?
  4. Can you include a JavaScript library (portal API) in your client markup and call this API? (e.g. PortalAPI.setContext(accountId, “123”))
  5. If you expect to host NexJ portlets in your application, do you have a context bus specification or javascript file with examples?

Message-based integration

  1. Can you consume another application’s WSDL definition, then send outbound SOAP requests to the endpoint?
  2. Do you provide a WSDL that other applications can use to gain access to functions and data within your application?
  3. Do you have a REST interface?
  4. Outside of Web Services and REST, are there other transports that provide a send/receive interface for message passing? (e.g. JMS/Queue, File, Mail, TCP, UDP)
  5. If yes, what message types do you support on these transports (e.g. XML, CSV, JSON, Fixed/Copybook, Proprietary)
  6. Can you send outbound messages to other applications as well?
  7. Do you have an alternative mechanism for sending messages to your application such as a Java or .Net interface?  Is it client-side or server-side?

Shared database integration

  1. Is it possible for another application to read from your database?
  2. Is it possible for another application to write data to an isolated part of your database?
  3. Can your application read data from an external database?
  4. Can your application write data to an external database?
  5. Which database vendors do you leverage?

Final Questions/Comments

  1. Do you offer any other ways to communicate with your application via UI, service or data integration that have not been mentioned?
  2. Please provide examples of relevant use cases that define a “typical” integration scenario with your application
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