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NexJ Reporting Engine Release Notes

The following information describes the new features, resolved issues, and known issues for the NexJ Reporting Engine.

New features

The following new features have been added to NexJ Reporting Engine version


Capture the SQL bind parameters and columns values for JasperServer generated queries


A new logger feature is now available that can be used to log SQL bind parameters and the column values returned from the JasperServer SQL query executed. A user with privileges to access the "Server Settings" page can enable this logger in the “Log Settings” screen in the JasperServer application (from the toolbar found in the JasperServer "Home" screen: Manage > Server Settings > Log Settings).


Within the "Log Settings" screen, the new logger can be found with the description: “SQL bind parameters and query column return values”

To enable this feature, a log level of "TRACE" needs to be set for this specific logger. Since this logger does not log the SQL queries themselves however, it is recommended that this feature be enabled and used in conjunction with the Hibernate SQL logger at DEBUG level, which will log the queries.


As this logging feature can generate a vast amount of data, it is not recommended to keep this enabled at all times, rather it should only be used during debugging sessions.

Resolved issues

The following issues have been resolved in the current release of NexJ Reporting Engine.



An issue that caused some Production users to become unable to view or save reports to their own subfolders within JasperReports Server has been resolved.


The following issues have been resolved in NexJ Reporting Engine


An issue that led to a DateRangeDTO error during catalog import has been corrected.


A performance issue encountered when saving views within the Companies domain has been fixed.


The length of resource name allowed in a scheduled ad hoc report has been extended to 200 characters.

Prior to this release, resources with names longer than 100 characters caused SQL truncation errors when scheduling reports.


The following issues have been resolved in NexJ Reporting Engine


Prior to this release, a user received an error when adding a new measure to an ad hoc view, which also prevented them from adding columns or rows to the view. This issue has been resolved.


Prior to this release, tooltips on fusion charts were not fully displayed under certain circumstances. This issue has been resolved.


Text fields and combo box fields on the Filter Group form dialog now display with a consistent width.


When using the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser to view dashboards and charts, if a user deselected a category, it was not immediately removed from the legend. This issue is now resolved.


Prior to this release, when a user was viewing a chart, their ability to drill down to view additional information for very low values was limited. Users can now hover over the value to activate a tooltip and click the tooltip to drill down for additional information.


All Total Income Probability Adjusted amounts are now displayed in a consistent format.


An issue with slow performance when expanding the Organization folder while creating ad hoc views has been resolved.


The following issues have been resolved in NexJ Reporting Engine


Resolved an issue with the ability to deploy JasperServer build with NexJ CRM 8.2. In some cases, when deploying JasperServer to WebSphere, the class path loaders with NexJ CRM and JasperServer would pick up the wrong version of the required classes. The JasperServer build has been repackaged to avoid any potential conflicts with any current or future releases of NexJ CRM.

Known issues and workarounds

The following are the known issues in the current release of NexJ Reporting Engine.


In certain cases, when creating or scheduling reports within JasperServer, the response times can take up to 20 minutes. This issue is very sporadic and hard to reproduce; specifically, it has not been reproduced in any NexJ environment. NexJ has included a new logging feature with this release which should help further troubleshoot and diagnose the issue when it does occur.

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