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React rendered controls basics

Learning objectives

  • To gain basic experience building portlets with React.

Key concepts

  • React table - a lightweight, fast and extendable datagrid built for React.
  • Project structure - a NexJ project may contain a few different types of code:

    • MDA components in the meta folder.
    • Java components in the lib or src folder.
    • JavaScript components in the mod folder.

    These modules are combined (mixed in) to create your application.

The following excerpt from the AFL Developer Guide is concise and packed with information. In this lesson, we explore the meaning of this excerpt, and provide some examples of how to apply these capabilities and build the UI with React. 

From the AFL Developer Guide

To use React for view rendering, one can derive the renderer from nexj/ui/react/dom.ReactRenderer and override the _component template method to return the React component instance. The React modules must be specified as dependencies of the renderer. These must have already been compiled to ECMAScript, per . For development with JSX, you should start a babel-cli listener on the source code directory, so that JSX files can be converted to ECMAScript files automatically. For more information, see The renderer deriving from ReactRenderer should be written in ECMAScript, as JSX provides no benefit at this point and the required API is trivial. *.css.def files can be used for including the React module CSS files without renaming them.

In preparation for the learning activities in this lesson:

  1. Open your training instance of NexJ Studio.


    If you haven't installed the training version of NexJ Studio or your environment isn't set up yet, follow the instructions in the Setting up for training section.

  2. Start your server, and open http://localhost:7080/training/ui/portal/training:React in a new tab. Your UI should look similar to the following:

    React training workspace

The React training workspace contains four portlets:

  • The portlet in the upper left is rendered by React.
  • The portlet in the upper right is an AFL portlet that gives us a view into the context bus, which is how portlets communicate with each other. Specifically, this portlet shows the current value for the EntityId and OtherId context variables used in this lesson. 
  • The list at the bottom right is an MDA EntityNavigator portlet.
  • The chart portlet at the bottom left is another demo AFL portlet.

Let's start by looking at the React Table example at a high level, to see how React portlets are structured. We will then work with a Hello World React component, and progress from there.

Remote vs AFL Portlets

With this development pattern, (AFL with React rendering), you still need a bit of AFL to provide a bridge to the portal. This allows React to render right inside the applications DOM and participate in all of the context and application lifecycle events. There are alternatives. The portal supports MDA, AFL, and remote portlets. You can also use remote portlets to integrate with services written in React (or any other web technology), with context and events being communicated over the portal API. This comes with some iFrame downsides and is discussed in another lesson.

You have several options as to how to structure your code, including: 

  • Develop mainly in React and only use AFL as the bridge to other portlets. With this approach, you build a React component that exposes properties and events, and the AFL code is configured once to set the expected properties and respond to the provided events. You can then use your choice of processes and techniques to build the look and feel, internal state, and even data access of your component. This is effectively what the react-table example does.
  • Use the React renderer as a simple replacement for the AFL renderer, which uses the JSONML standard instead of React's createElement or createComponent. This approach is useful if you want to mix some of the other AFL libraries directly in your rendering code, for example, internationalization, time zone management, converters, context bus, and so on. The Hello World example demonstrates how this works.

    React createElement vs JSONML

    There are many similarities between React rendering and AFL's use of JSONML. Here is a simple comparison of how the same information is rendered:

    return React.createElement("div", {className: "hello"}, "Hello ",, React.createElement("ul", null, React.createElement("li", null, "one"), React.createElement("li", null, "two"), React.createElement("li", null, "three")));

    In JSONML, it would be:

    ["DIV",{"className":"hello"},"Hello ",,["UL",null,["LI",null,"one"],["LI",null,"two"],["LI",null,"three"]]]

React table (react-table)

Let's look at a working example. The react-table example incorporates react-table, a lightweight, fast and extendable datagrid built for React. Go to http://localhost:7080/training/ui/portal/training:React and look at the React table portlet to see the results of binding to the Person Class. The React table portlet supports sorting, simple filtering, and shows mixing AFL and React components both ways. In this example, the AFL Card hosts a react-table control, and the react-table control hosts some AFL column controls.

React table

Let's take a quick look at how this was done. Don't worry too much about the detailed code at this point. The goal here is to get an overall sense of the structure and how components relate to each other. After this section, we will get a hands-on introduction to code starting with hello world and moving on from there.

Project structure

In NexJ Studio, in the Navigator view of the Java perspective, inspect the structure of the projects (modules). A MODL project may contain a few different types of code:

  • MDA components in the meta folder.
  • Java components in the lib or src folder.
  • JavaScript components in the mod folder.

These modules are combined (mixed in) to create your application. They are configured to build all the code and make it available in the bin folder. You can look in the.project and .classpath files to see the configuration. The end result is that JavaScript files from all of your modules get copied together with their relative path from the mod folder's root. This means, if you choose to, you can keep all of your React assets in a separate module for a given control. The first module in our example includes react and react-dom, which are the core ReactJS libraries.

Project structure - from the Navigator view in NexJ Studio

The framework loads minified libraries whenever possible. If in debug, it uses the non-minified source.

We then have our React-table control definition in the React table module. 

This module contains the react-table assets (react-table.js, react-table.min.js, and react-table.css) from the react-table distribution in the root of the mod folder. It also contains our control definition, which is made up of three files.

The view (ext/ui/react/table.js)

React-table control definition in the React table module

This is an AFL module, so it defines its name and dependencies and returns a function that returns our control definition. This definition gives it a name, says what it is derived from, and adds additional properties and methods to the control.

	table.Table = sys.derive(ui.View, [ui.ModelHelper], {
		/** @prop {ui.Column[]} Table columns */
		columns: sys.accessor(ui.views),
		/** @prop {ui.Collection} Collection of items for each row */
		rows: sys.accessor(ui.collection),
		/** @prop {ui.Value} Currently selected row index */
		index: sys.accessor(ui.value),
		/** @see ui.View#initialize */

The renderer (ext/ui/react/table/dom.js)

This is an AFL module. It defines its name and dependencies and extends the table.Table with rendering logic. In the ReactRenderer._component function, we can combine React code with properties from the view to render the control's current state appropriately.

	tren("Table", sys.derive(ren.ReactRenderer, {
		/** @see ren.ReactRenderer#_component */
		_component: function() {
			var rows = this.rows(), data = new Array((rows) ? rows.length() : 0);
			if (rows) rows.loop(function(item, index) {data[index] = index;});
			return react.createElement(rtable["default"],
				{showPagination: false, data: data, columns: || [],


The styling (ext/ui/react/table.css)

Usually the control's styling, but in this case, we want to include the css from the React-table control, so we use the .def approach to point to react-table.css. Def files are a simple way to include CSS and JS files from a different local or remote location.

.def files

See CSS Load Order and Redirection in the AFL Developers Guide to learn how CSS includes (DEF files) work.

The application and portlet (training)

The final piece here is using the control. The portlet is defined in training/mod/app/react.js and is referenced in the React Training workspace file as the top right portlet.

You can see in the blue highlighted line below where the Portlet includes a reference to the React table and sets its properties. Don't be too concerned about the code here. The key point is that we can build a portlet that contains appropriately set table.Table controls (in this case bound to the Person class), and have it rendered by React.

table.Table controls

Which results in the following:

UI with table.Table controls rendered by React


Putting the React-table control code in its own module was a choice. We could have placed these resources directly in our project's mod folder. We could have opted to combine some of these files together (such as the control definition and the rendering code) into one file. We could have chosen to place the react-table.* resources in one module, and the AFL bridge assets in another. In our example, the react-table.* resources are in the same file as the AFL ones and have kept the AFL control definition separate from it's dom renderer.

This is the current best practice.

Hello World

Let's step back and start with the basics. Look in the react-training project using the Java perspective. We are going to be working in the react-training project.

In training.js, we define our control view - training.Hello - and in dom.js (or JSX), our renderer is defined as return React.createElement('div'). The Hello control is already included in our react portlet (seen in the code above) as ui(training.Hello). We could work right in the compiled React code in the dom.js file, but it is more convenient to code in dom.jsx and let the babel-cli compile for us.

Setting up for babel


You must have npm or yarn installed. If you do not:

  • Download node.js, which comes with npm included, from
  • Before installing babel, go to your command prompt and enter:

    cd c:\nexj_studio\13.0-training\training\models\react-training
    npm init

    This creates a package.json in your project.

Learning activity

  1. At your command prompt, enter the following:

    cd c:\nexj_studio\13.0-training\training\models\react-training
    npm install --save-dev @babel/core @babel/cli @babel/preset-react

    Installing babel

  2. At your command prompt, enter the following:

    cd c:\nexj_studio\13.0-training\training\models\react-training\mod\ext\ui\react\training
    npx babel --presets @babel/preset-react dom.jsx --watch --out-file dom.js
  3. Switch to NexJ Studio (Java Perspective) or your favorite editor and open react-training\mod\ext\ui\react\training\dom.jsx.
    You can open the JSX and JS files side-by-side and notice the changes that happen in the JS file as you update the JS file.

    dom.js and dom.jsx files side-by-side

Making changes

Learning activity

  1. In your JSX file, replace return <div/>; with the following:


    return <div>Hello World</div>;
  2. Save your file. You should see your dom.js file update. 
  3. Ensure that your server is running and browse to http://localhost:7080/training/ui/portal/training:React. Your UI should look similar to this:

    React table with Hello World displayed

  4. In a text editor, add the following to react-training/mod/ext/ui/react/training.css and save your file.


    .hello {
    	color: blue;
    	padding: 10px;
        font-size: 30px;
  5. Change the return value in your dom.jsx file to the following:


    return <div className='hello'>Hello World</div>; 
  6. Save and refresh your browser. Your UI should look similar to the following:

    Hello World with revised CSS

Setting a property

Learning activity

  1. Open training/mod/app/react.js and set the name property of your training.Hello control to ui(training.Hello, {name: "React"}).


    ui(training.Hello, {name: "React"})
  2. In your JSX file, change the returned value to return <div className='hello'>Hello {}</div>;


    return <div className='hello'>Hello {}</div>; 
  3. Save the file and refresh your browser.  This illustrates how you can mix the dom rendering code with values from the control's model.

    Mixed dom rendering code with values from the control's model

Receiving context

Let's add a new attribute to the Hello view and bind it to the context bus. 

Learning activity

  1. Update your training.js view as follows:


    define("ext/ui/react/training", ["nexj/sys", "nexj/ui", "exports", "nexj/ui/core"],
    	function(sys, ui, training) {"use strict";
    		training.Hello = sys.derive(ui.View, [ui.ModelHelper], {
    			text: sys.accessor(ui.value),
    			_mustRender: function() {
    				return this._valueAltered("text");

    You've added a text property to the control in line 4 and are providing code to the _mustRender property (a standard view property) to re-render whenever the text property's value requires refreshing (line 5 and 6).

  2. Update dom.jsx to return the value of your text property.


    return <div className='hello'>Hello {} {this.text().value()}</div>;
  3. Update your react.js portlet to receive and set context by:
    1. Adding the nexj/ui/bus mixin (see line 2 below).
    2. Binding the text property of our training.Hello control to the EntityId context. This is what we do in the line ui(training.Hello, {name: "React", text: new ui.ContextValue("EntityId")}),


      define("app/react", ["nexj/ui", "nexj/cvt", "nexj/rpc/obj", "ext/ui/react/table", "ext/ui/react/training", "nexj/ui/core",
      	"nexj/ui/obj", "nexj/cvt/date", "nexj/ui/table", "nexj/ui/bus"], function(ui, cvt, obj, table, training) {"use strict";
      	return function() {
      		var name, contacts;
      		return ui("Portlet", {name: "portlet", caption: "Contacts", layout: {cols: 1}, children: [
      			ui("Card", {caption: "React Table", children: [
      				ui("Search", {value: new ui.Value(null, "string"), onEnter: function() {
      					contacts.wildcard(this.value().value(), "fullName");
      				ui(training.Hello, {name: "React", text: new ui.ContextValue("EntityId")}),
      				ui(table.Table, {
      					columns: [
      						ui("Column", {caption: "Name", values: "fullName"}),
      						ui("Column", {caption: "Birthday",
      							values: new ui.AttributeCollectionDecorator("birthTime",
      								cvt("date", "date.m", "UTC"))})
      					rows: contacts = ui("ObjectCollection",
      						{name: "contacts", type: "Person", limit: 100})})

      When "nexj/ui/bus" was added as an import, it was not necessary to add a variable like "bus" to the function imports, that is, function(ui, cvt, obj, table, training)because "nexj/ui/bus" is a plug-in module for "nexj/ui" and adds all of its capabilities to the "ui" variable. For more information, see the AFL Developer Guide in the Modular Programming section.

  4. Save and refresh your browser.  Your UI should look similar to the following:

    UI with context set

    When you click around in the Entity Navigator in the bottom right hand corner of your workspace, the value of the EntityId should update.

Sending an event over the bus

In this example, we will add a Toggle control that sends it's state out over the bus.

Learning activity

  1. In training.js, create a new control called Toggle by adding the following code (line 9).


    define("ext/ui/react/training", ["nexj/sys", "nexj/ui", "exports", "nexj/ui/core"],
    	function(sys, ui, training) {"use strict";
    		training.Hello = sys.derive(ui.View, [ui.ModelHelper], {
    			text: sys.accessor(ui.value),
    			_mustRender: function() {
    				return this._valueAltered("text");
    		training.Toggle = sys.derive(ui.View, [ui.ModelHelper]);
  2. Add the component definition to your dom.jsx file by copying and overwriting your code. To learn more about the details of the React component, see the Handling Events discussion at


    define("ext/ui/react/training/dom", ["nexj/sys", "nexj/ui/react/dom", "ext/ui/react/training", "react"], 
    	function(sys, ren, training, React) {"use strict";
    	var tren = ren.declarator(training);
    	tren("Hello", sys.derive(ren.ReactRenderer, {
    	/** @see ren.ReactRenderer#_component */
    		_component: function() {
    			// return react code here
    			return <div className='hello'>Hello {} {this.text().value()}</div>;
    	class Toggle extends React.Component {
    	  constructor(props) {
    	    this.state = {isToggleOn: true};
    	    // This binding is necessary to make `this` work in the callback
    	    this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
    	  handleClick() {
    	    this.setState(prevState => ({
    	      isToggleOn: !prevState.isToggleOn
    	  render() {
    	    return (
    	      <button className="-button-push" onClick={this.handleClick}>
    	        {this.state.isToggleOn ? 'ON' : 'OFF'}
    	tren("Toggle", sys.derive(ren.ReactRenderer, {
    		/** @see ren.ReactRenderer#_component */
    		_component: function() {
    			// return react code here
    			return <Toggle/>;
  3. Add a Toggle control by modifying your react.js app as follows:


    				ui(training.Hello, {name: "React", text: new ui.ContextValue("EntityId")}),
  4. Save your changes and refresh your UI. You should see a button that toggles on and off and retains its state.

    React table with toggle button

  5. To enhance your Toggle so that it can tell you if the state has changed and you can broadcast it over the context bus, you must first enhance your training.js view definition as follows to allow an onChange event:


    		training.Toggle = sys.derive(ui.View, [ui.ModelHelper], {
    			/** @prop {function()} Click handler */
    			onChange: sys.accessor
  6. Enhance your Toggle component definition to call the onChange event when the state changes. The modifications to dom.jsx are on line 14 and line 31.


    	class Toggle extends React.Component {
    	  constructor(props) {
    	    this.state = {isToggleOn: true};
    	    // This binding is necessary to make `this` work in the callback
    	    this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
    	  handleClick() {
    	    this.setState(prevState => ({
    	      isToggleOn: !prevState.isToggleOn
    	    this.props.onChange(this.state.isToggleOn ? 'ON' : 'OFF');
    	  render() {
    	    return (
    	      <button className="-button-push" onClick={this.handleClick}>
    	        {this.state.isToggleOn ? 'ON' : 'OFF'}
    	tren("Toggle", sys.derive(ren.ReactRenderer, {
    		/** @see ren.ReactRenderer#_component */
    		_component: function() {
    			// return react code here
    			return <Toggle onChange={this.onChange()}/>;
  7. In react.js, update your training.Toggle definition as follows:


    				ui(training.Toggle, {onChange: function(val) {ui.context("OtherId").value(val);}}),
  8. Save your changes. When you toggle the state in the React Table portlet with the toggle button, the Other Id context will be changed. The Other Id field is highlighted in the screenshot below. You can see this in the context portlet at the upper right of your application.

    Toggled state shows in the context portlet

Hello World clock (state and lifecycle)

The following is another example illustrating creating components and state. If you want to follow the React tutorial, you can see details at

Learning activity

  1. Create a new control by adding a new one to your training.js file (seen here on line 13).


    define("ext/ui/react/training", ["nexj/sys", "nexj/ui", "exports", "nexj/ui/core"],
    	function(sys, ui, training) {"use strict";
    		training.Hello = sys.derive(ui.View, [ui.ModelHelper], {
    			text: sys.accessor(ui.value),
    			_mustRender: function() {
    				return this._valueAltered("text");
    		training.Toggle = sys.derive(ui.View, [ui.ModelHelper], {
    			/** @prop {function()} Click handler */
    			onChange: sys.accessor
    		training.Clock = sys.derive(ui.View, [ui.ModelHelper]);
  2. Add the component definition to your dom.jsx file (line 47 and on).


    define("ext/ui/react/training/dom", ["nexj/sys", "nexj/ui/react/dom", "ext/ui/react/training", "react"], 
    	function(sys, ren, training, React) {"use strict";
    	var tren = ren.declarator(training);
    	tren("Hello", sys.derive(ren.ReactRenderer, {
    	/** @see ren.ReactRenderer#_component */
    		_component: function() {
    			// return react code here
    			return <div className='hello'>Hello {} {this.text().value()}</div>;
    	class Toggle extends React.Component {
    	  constructor(props) {
    	    this.state = {isToggleOn: true};
    	    // This binding is necessary to make `this` work in the callback
    	    this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
    	  handleClick() {
    	    this.setState(prevState => ({
    	      isToggleOn: !prevState.isToggleOn
    	    this.props.onChange(this.state.isToggleOn ? 'ON' : 'OFF');
    	  render() {
    	    return (
    	      <button className="-button-push" onClick={this.handleClick}>
    	        {this.state.isToggleOn ? 'ON' : 'OFF'}
    	tren("Toggle", sys.derive(ren.ReactRenderer, {
    		/** @see ren.ReactRenderer#_component */
    		_component: function() {
    			// return react code here
    			return <Toggle onChange={this.onChange()}/>;
    	function App() {
    	  return (
    	      <Clock />
    	      <Clock />
    	      <Clock />
    	function FormattedDate(props) {
    	  return <h2>It is {}.</h2>;
    	class Clock extends React.Component {
    	  constructor(props) {
    	    this.state = {date: new Date()};
    	  componentDidMount() {
    	    this.timerID = setInterval(
    	      () => this.tick(),
    	  componentWillUnmount() {
    	  tick() {
    	      date: new Date()
    	  render() {
    	    return (
    	        <h1>Hello, world!</h1>
    	        <FormattedDate date={} />
    	tren("Clock", sys.derive(ren.ReactRenderer, {
    		/** @see ren.ReactRenderer#_component */
    		_component: function() {
    			// return react code here
    			return <Clock/>;
  3. Add a Clock control to the react.js app.


                    ui(training.Hello, {name: "React", text: new ui.ContextValue("EntityId")}),
    				ui(training.Toggle, {onChange: function(val) {ui.context("OtherId").value(val);}}),                
  4. Save your work and refresh your browser. Your browser should look similar to the following:

    UI with clock control

  5. In dom.jsx, replace the returned <Clock/> with App(). Your clock rendering code should look like the following.


    	tren("Clock", sys.derive(ren.ReactRenderer, {
    		/** @see ren.ReactRenderer#_component */
    		_component: function() {
    			// return react code here
    			return App();
  6. Save and refresh your browser. You should see three instances of the React <Clock/> control. 
  7. Repeat the clock control in react.js.


    				ui(training.Hello, {name: "React", text: new ui.ContextValue("EntityId")}),
  8. Save and refresh your browser. You should see six clocks, all with their own internal state.

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