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Business Model

The Business Model layer enables you to model your business including business concepts in classes, class relationships, business logic, and workflows.

It is composed of structural components including:

Model Description Language Business Model Elements

  • ClassesA Class is an abstraction of a business model concept
  • AspectsAspects are functional groupings of additional attributes and/or events that may be applied to your model
  • AugmentsAugments contribute attributes and/or events or actions to a given class. They are used for modularization, i.e. separating the domain model into several modules without circular dependencies between them
  • EnumerationsEnumerations are a special type of Class that provide a list of values along with localizable captions
  • Diagrams - A UML Class Diagram editor for working with the model

Behavioural components including

Testing components including

  • Unit TestsA set of test cases to test Model functionality
  • Test Suites - A grouping of unit tests for different test purposes

Other components including

  • BI Models - Simplified operational views for reporting - Deprecated: 
  • FacetsA set of facets that can be applied to metadata objects

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